Players and Pieces

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"Heads uuUUUP!"

Blake, Yang, Bianca and Yale all watched in shock as Ruby Rose fell out of the sky. Just before she could hit the ground, Jaune Arc came flying out of nowhere and crashed into her, sending them both into a nearby tree.

"Did your sister just fall out of the sky?" Bianca asked.


Yang was cut off by a series off crashing noises and growls as an Ursa came out of the forest. Suddenly, a pink blast hit the monster's back, causing it to slump forward. On its back were none other than Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie.

"YEEE-HAAW!" Nora yelled excitedly, before she noticed the Ursa's lack of movement.
"Aww... it's broken."

"Nora, please... don't ever do that again." Ren panted as he attempted to regain his breath.

Unfortunately, Nora had run off again and as such, heard nothing of what he said. She instead went straight to the temple, where a golden  rook immediately caught her eye.

"Ooooh. I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"


Nora immediately stopped her dance and froze in a saluting position.

"Coming, Ren."

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Yale asked in confusion.


Once again, Yang was interrupted. This time by Erin and Neli, along with the Petra Gigas they had on their tail. The rock giant smacked the two of them to the ground. Now without other options, all they could was hold up their weapons in a feeble attempt to block what was sure to be a fatal strike.

Luckily for them, Yale was ready. The archer quickly knocked three fire dust arrows, took aim and fired right at the face of the giant. The rock fell apart in an explosion, revealing the ghostly Grimm that had been controlling them: a Geist. Now exposed, the Grimm was quick to retreat.

"Are we dead yet?" Neli asked while keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"I don't feel dead." Erin replied.

"That's because you're not. You're welcome, by the way." Yale told them as he helped the two up.

"Thanks." Neli said.

"Did those two just nearly get crushed by a Petra Gigas?" Blake asked.


Yang got interrupted again, this time by her sister. She smiled as Ruby landed on the ground next to her.


"Yang!" Ruby said, arms raised to hug her sister.

"Nora!" Nora exclaimed, jumping between the two and surprising them.

Meanwhile, Erin was staring confused as in the distance, Pyrrha Nikos ran away from a giant Deathstalker, a scorpion-like Grimm, while simultaneously calling out to Jaune, who was still in the tree.

"Did that girl just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" he asked.

Finally, it was enough for Yang. Her eyes turned from lilac to red and her hair briefly caught on fire as she snapped.

"I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!"

There were exactly two seconds of silence while Ren tiredly walked over to the group, before Neli looked up.

"Umm, guys?"

The others followed her gaze upwards. Clinging on to the claw of a giant Nevermore circling above was none other than Weiss Schnee.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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