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Hyunjin /\ Felix

Hyunjin: you okay?  You weren't in the chat and I know Chan leaving was sad but he's coming back

Felix: can I ask you something

Hyunjin: yeah I told you I'd be around to talk

Felix: it's honestly.. pretty personal?  Not appropriate I guess

Hyunjin: I live with Minho I'll be okay

Felix: did your parents know you dated Seungmin?

Hyunjin: oh woah

Hyunjin; can I assume this is more of a did they know I was with a guy, not anything about Seungmin in particular

Felix: yeah.. the guy part

Hyunjin: they knew.  Honestly they figured out I was bi a loooong time before I did although if you want to be picky I think the term is Demi for me, I personally just don't like trying to juggle labels and love who I love, if I connect with you and love you that's great no matter the rest

Felix: oh

Felix: thank you for telling me.. sorry for uh asking

Hyunjin: what's bothering you?

Felix: .... I didn't have parents like that

Hyunjin: huh? Like what

Felix: accepting... 

Hyunjin: Felix I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that

Felix: it's fine!

Felix: I'm fine.. most days I think but

Hyunjin: Take your time I won't go anywhere I promise

Felix: thank you., you're really amazing

Hyunjin: it's nothing

Felix: I rely on Chan a lot and it's not fair to him but.. he's... all I have left of home?  And he went home to visit and I'm so. Jealous and I hate being jealous it's ugly.. but I am and I wish I could do that but I can't

Hyunjin; hey it's okay. Everyone gets jealous sometimes it's not bad or ugly, it's human.  Chan will be back and you'll get more independent over time okay?  You can come hang out in the studio with Minho and I some or Changbin at the apartment spread out more

Hyunjin: but it's okay to want what he has because that's something you shouldn't have had taken away and I'm so sorry it was that was wrong of them you're perfectly fine Lix

Felix; thank you.. so much you have no idea how much those words all meant to me

Hyunjin: always anytime you need me okay?  Now go cuddle Changbin lol

Felix: haha I just might!

Felix: I guess I'm just conflicted like.. all the good memories seem to be ruined just because of one bad one

Hyunjin: .. were they angry when you came out? I don't know when you came out, but you are an adult, and it's not fair to put their dreams or ideals on you when it's your future and life and you get to life it your way and believe in your own beliefs

Felix: haha.. they'd hate you

Felix: and I mean that in the nicest possible way?

Hyunjin: ha.. thanks?

Felix: I guess if they hate you it means you're probably actually really nice

Felix: they are the reason I'm in Korea. I came out and got a Bible thrown at my face and kicked out with next to nothing, basically whatever i had on me when I got thrown on the sidewalk... so it wasn't a.. comforting or understanding time

Hyunjin: It's so late but fuck it you wanna go to McDonald's? I just want to hug you and get some ice cream or something shit

Felix: 🥺 yes...

Hyunjin: I'll come get you hmPH

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