cosmic spring

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"Aquarius..." Orion held that name in her mouth and pretended to think of who she was, "You're a Zodiac, right?"

Aquarius nodded and began to try and climb up higher, she examined her boots to check if anything had broken. From now on she would keep a closer eye on where she placed her foot.

Orion cleared her throat and smiled, secretly irritated she was ignoring her, "So are your other Zodiac friends nearby?"

Of course, she knew the answer but Aquarius couldn't have known that, "Yeah, but I think they were getting tired of me, haha."

Orion frowned, "They don't sound like very good friends."

This is where Orion did her work. However, she couldn't have predicted her response. Aquarius denied, her friends were all she had, even if they didn't talk to her much. Even though they pushed her aside and undermined her skills. She understood that occasionally she was blind to crucial safety and social procedure.

The only thing she responded with was, despite the way she was treated, she would die for her friends.

"But would they die for you?" Orion countered.

Aquarius stopped climbing. Remembering what Taurus told them when they found her on the beach. How she was tied up like a villain. How could she not notice her friend' behavior? Thinking about it made her feel hollow. All she could say was, "Um... well-"

Orion put her hands up in surrender, "Hey, I didn't mean to touch on a sensitive spot."

She shook her head and worked up a smile, "No, it's whatever. I should go, anyway."

"Yeah, back to your friends. You can talk to me anytime, you know. I'll be around."

Aquarius shrugged, oblivious to Orion's friendly demeanor. As she made her way down, looking up, Orion waved at her. Something felt so unfamiliar about Orion but it was nice. Throughout her body spread a warm sensation of reassurance. Nevertheless, the empty feeling that hang in her chest lingered from earlier.

She was surprised to meet Scorpio at the bottom of the tree. His eyes were filled with worry as he scanned for cuts or bruises. Scorpio's shoulders felt more at ease. Orion had no idea what she was talking about.

"Are you okay? I saw you fall." Scorpio picked the twigs out of her hair.

Aquarius playfully elbowed him, "Sure, why were you following me."

"Vega thought you would get yourself killed."

She nodded, if Orion wasn't there, she would be hurt. Not dead, but hurt.

"C'mon we're leaving in the morning. Also, I was meaning to ask," Scorpio stopped, "Who were you talking to?"

In response, she just avoided answering, "A stranger."


A blood-curdling wail ripped from Leo's throat.

"Well, the adrenaline has worn off," Aries snickered.

Taurus frowned and scolded him. She did not think it was funny. Libra put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and rubbed circles on his back to calm him down.

"Don't worry, Taurus, he'll be fine." Aries promised, "By the way, Vega never told us where we would be meeting the Keeper."

Vega sighed, "There's a spring not too far from the St. Lawrence River up north."

The spring wasn't only a spring. It was a cosmic spring that was blessed by the Keeper of the Stars herself. To the typical human, it grants immorality but when new galactic bodies are born, the Keeper performs a ceremonial ritual that gifts and initiates the spirit."

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