Nobody Saw This Coming....

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Amber’s POV

Aragorn started packing up straight away and we were soon on our way towards the mountain. I felt Legolas come up beside me.

“You won’t lose me.” He whispered. And I smiled and hugged him tightly around the waist. We walked for a long time once we had walked through the entrance of the mountain, which had a greenish glow to it, we stopped.

“This is it.” Said Aragorn.

“The way is shut.” Came the strong voice of Legolas next to me. I felt Legolas brush past me and I freaked out a bit. This whole place crept me out; as there was fog surrounding our feet and strange hands trying to reach our faces but I kept blowing them away. Aragorn started yelling something and I soon noticed that Legolas had fired an arrow at the green fog that now took the shape of ghosts. I was too scared to pay attention to what they were saying but it was something about Gondor and the king and then Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and I were running out of the mountains to save our lives. The ghosts were trying to take down the mountain as skulls rolled between our feet.

“Ahhh!” I screamed grabbing hold of Legolas as I rolled a bit downhill after standing on a skull. We just got out of the mountain when Aragorn fell to his knees after seeing that he was too late to save Gondor. The ships of men were on their way to help fight for Mordor, Gondor was obviously out numbered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a green fog move through the mountain and towards Aragorn.

“We will fight.” The ghosts said.

Aragorn gave us a plan and whe then went and stood waiting for the ships to pull up on the shore. Aragorn was brave and spoke to the captain of the boat, Legolas was then meant to fire an arrow just past the man’s head but with a small purpose nudge from Gimli he hit the man right beside him and then that’s when the war started. The ghosts behind Aragorn swarmed towards the ships and killed the men so that we could take the boats to Gondor. I was happy to be with Aragorn, he made me feel safe.

“I’m going to take a nap.” I told Legolas before heading over to bunk beds available. As I entered the room that nobody was in, I went to the window.

“How the progress going?” said the voice inside my head.

“They have entered the boats and are heading towards Gondor.” I answered to the voice, Saruman, my lord.

“When are you going to kill them?” he asked.

“Have you ever thought that maybe I don’t want to work for you anymore?”

“You have grown close to them.”

“No I haven’t, I am sick and tired of you. All you have done is sent me on this journey with the fellowship. Sent me to kill them but there is nothing in this for me.”

“You got to see them for the last time. If you don’t obey then I will have to kill you, you hold to much information.”

“No. you don’t have to, I can do it. Just give me time.” I said worried when I was interrupted by someone clearing a throat. I took a deep breath in, and turned to see Legolas and Aragorn standing there staring at me like I was an alien.

“Oh no.” I moaned to myself.

Legolas’s POV

I stood there watching I could not believe my eyes. Amber was talking to Saruman and this whole time I thought she was our friend. She turned at the sound of Aragorn clearing his throat and she looked terrified then her eyes went cold and her voice went rugged, it was Saruman.

“So it looks like you have found out her secret, but you cannot save her now. She is mine to kill.” Saruman smirked and Ambers hands raised and clenched her throat. Saruman was going to kill her. A small tear ran down my face as I drew an arrow ready to shoot. Ambers face went blue and she fell down against the wall. I could tell she was fighting against Saruman, Aragorn stepped forward stopping my shoot. He released her hands and knelt beside her.

“Natha daged dhaer. They/she will die.” I told Aragorn. I lowered my bow as Gimli entered.

“What are ya’ll doing in here?” he asked looking at Amber, her eyes full of tears. I walked towards her and looked at her in the eyes before kneeling down before her.

“I cannot believe I did not see this. How?” I asked staring at her.

“I’m sorry Legolas I never meant for you to get hurt this way but I could not tell you. I love you.”

“And you could not have asked for help? We would have helped you, I would have helped you.”

“I am sorry.” She looked at me tears swelling up; I felt her cold hand rub over my chest, towards my back. I hugged her but I pulled back when I heard an arrow drawn, she had taking my arrow and she was going to kill me. “I am sorry “she whispered in my ear.

“Legolas, back off!” I heard Aragorn’s concerned voice growl at me. If I was going to die I was going to die in love. I pulled back from our hug and planted a kiss onto Amber lips. Her lips moved with mine, she was kissing me back. I felt the arrow brush my face and then the next thing I felt was blood dripping onto my hands I was shivering. Aragorn pulled us apart and when I looked down it was not my body that was pierced but hers. She killed herself for us. I could not stop shaking her body laid on the ground I tried hard to fight Gimli’s grasp. I wanted to hold her one last time. Aragorn ordered Gimli to take me away and with much struggle he did.

Hi guys! 

So you did not see that coming did you? You are probably very confused? Yes well all this time Amber has been working for Saruman and when she was sent to kill the fellowship she fell in love with Legolas. That was the first time Saruman had contacted her during the time of war. i hope you like this chapter and there is still more to come so keep a look out! :D xx

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