Small Conference, Big Surprise...

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Legolas’s POV

“Yes sir they have arrived.” I heard a servant saying to Lord Elrond, the lord of Rivendell. I peered around the corner of the solid wall concealing me. I saw four Hobbits, one dwarf, one elf I’ve never seen before and two tall men shaking hands with the lord.

“Hello Aragon. You will be pleased to know that we have an uncounted amount of commanding sources that may do the job.” The lord stated.

“Good, we’ll need many.” Aragorn replied.

“My elves such as Legolas can bring you extraordinary power” said the lord, “let me show you your rooms.”

I shivered behind the cold wall, concealing me. He said something about me. I turned around and saw them leaving so I followed them and listened carefully for more details but making sure I was not being seen. At one point I thought I saw the elf turn around and wave too me but she could not have seen me, I was hidden well enough for someone who  knew I was there, to not see me. After watching them intensely (more like watching her intensely) I realised she had long, beautiful blonde hair. She had a delicate face and she looked like she had a kind nature but she looked very strong. I was staring at her intensely when my friend Lance Purityreaper came up to me, jumping on me, pushing me forward out of my hiding spot. I soon noticed that the girl was walking towards us and I panicked a bit.

“Hey you!” She said taking a leap onto Lance.

“Wait? You know her?” I questioned him suddenly realising how much of an idiot I was being.

“Of course, that’s why I’m her Brother!” Lance replied

“It’s Amber Mist.” She told me holding out her hand for me to shake. I took her hand and shook it.

“Legolas.” I stated.

“Nice to meet you Sir Legolas.”

“Oh, no it’s just Legolas.” I said with a slight smile.

“I guess I will leave you both too it.” Lance said leaving us standing there awkwardly. 

“Well I should be going anyway so I will see you both later… by Legolas.” She said giving me another small wave and she turned back to the group. Lance then gave me a stupid slap on the shoulder.

“You like her.” He nudged me and left.


“Please! I need you there. Please come to the conference Legolas” Lord Elrond said.

“Okay! Fine!” I said kind of angry. I knew this had something to do with training or war.

“Good shall we head over to the conference?” He asked.

We walked and when we walked in most people had taking their seats and one was left for me right by… Amber.

Elrond stood up and spoke. “Here, my friends, is the Hobbit, Frodo son of Drogo. Few have ever come hither through peril or on an errand more urgent.” He then pointed out and named those whom Frodo had not met before. I gave a small sigh and saw Amber giggle at my response of the meeting.

“You have done well to come,” said Elrond. “You will hear today all that you need in order to understand the purposes of the Enemy.” Elrond went on.

“Bring out the ring, Frodo!” said Gandalf solemnly, a wizard wearing dark robes and a long grey beard. I hummed myself a song my mother taught me when I was younger and I now use it when I get bored as it takes boredom out of meetings like this, but I heard a second hum start and realised that Amber started humming with me. I stopped humming straight away as I did not want I draw attention to us.

“One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten-thousand men could you do this. It is folly.” I heard Boromir say. They all then started scrambling over who will take the ring and after much nonsense Frodo stood up.

“I will take the ring!” but he said it not nearly loud enough so he repeated himself. “But I do not know the way.”After Gandalf agreed to help Frodo, Aragorn stated…

“If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword…”

“And you have my bow.” I said deciding to help Frodo on his journey.

“And my axe” said the dwarf, Gimli.

“You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done.” Said Boromir.

“But wait! I want to help! I give you my scimitar.” Amber stated from beside me.

“What? No you can’t; you’re a girl you will die!” I said out of concern and stupidity.

“I agree, she can’t come and slow us down! And she will be dead after five minutes!” Gimli said.

“No! She is stronger than you think; not to mention she is standing right in front of you!” Amber growled.

“It has been said, she will be part of the Fellowship, and we will call you all the Fellowship of the Ring.” Said Elrond.

“Are you sure.” I whispered to Amber after the meeting.

“Am I sure I want to do this? Yes of course, I would not have said yes otherwise.” She replied.

“I know but it doesn’t seem right.” I tried reasoning with her.

“Too bad.” She said leaving me standing there in worry.

I walked to the garden at midnight like I normally do but this could be the last time I do. While I was watched the water drip from the bridge into the river I heard footsteps and knew it was her.

“What are you doing up so late, you should be getting some rest.” I asked.

“Gosh you sound like my mother.” She replied.

“What would she think about you doing this?” I asked though I knew I hit a snatch.

“If you have to know… my mother sent me here because of the ring. Happy?” She said at the brink of crying. Her eyes swelled up and one tear rolled down her beautiful face. I said nothing, walked up to her and hugged her tightly till I felt her arms rap around me.

“I think we will be good friends.” Was her last sentence for the rest of the night.

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