Its Not The End ...

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Hey guys so I hope you don't mind but I have been making my chapters smaller, its just I am coming to the end of this book but I am planning to make a sequel so if you want to see a sequel please let me know !!!! thanks my lovelies!!! :D xx <3

Legolas's POV

"Gimli Let Go!!!!" I yelled pulling back from Gimli and watching the door close in my face. She was in that room, my love. Aragorn then appeared through the door.

"Get ready! We are here." he said and as he passed me he whispered "for her, Legolas do it for her." 

"Oi!!!! You lot are late!" I heard a low grumble coming back from the Urk Hai underneath us. 

"Now" Aragorn whispered to us, I still felt terrible after her death almost like a piece of me was missing. We jumped off the ship and onto the landing before the Urk Hai. As we looked up we were soon recognised, the army of ghosts swarmed from behind us and started killing. I was slashing and throwing and shooting here and there, Amber was constantly on my mind which caused me several near misses to the head. I was given a warning from Aragorn which sent me taking down an Oliphaunt; large creatures, the look of an elephant but a thousand times bigger and skilled with tusks to take down big structures. I was swaying from side to side and climbing the rump of the beast taking down a few people on the way and counting just to annoy Gimli '91, 92.' and I shot three arrows into the head of the beast, sliding down its trunk and ending in front of Gimli, and I gave him the look of satisfaction.

"That only counts as one!" Gimli argued at me. I laughed, he was obviously annoyed. I looked around; there was nothing but dead bodies and destruction to the city. Few survived but a good number, I wondered around helping others, getting those who were sick to the sick bay, and cleaning up the dead carcasses. The castle was restored and the city was building again. We were coming to the last fight all we had to do was fight to give Frodo time and to distract the great eye.

I spent a few hours sitting outside on the edge of the balcony thinking about Amber. I was soon joined by Aragorn. We stood in silence. Aragorn said a few words but I was not listening this time my gaze was upon something else, not Amber though, the great eye was close I could feel it, Aragorn and I raced back to the others to find Pippin, fighting against something and before I realised what it was, Aragorn had jumped in to help but once he had hold of the object he went unconscious and fell backwards into my hands. Shortly after that Gandalf woke from the noise and was in the fight to help, he had grabbed a cloth and threw it over the object, which must be how Saruman was seeing we were here. Gandalf went over to Pippin and shook him awake, and at this time Aragorn woke and looked up at me and I saw the concern in his face.

“Saruman!” he said looking at Gandalf. I knew it and now he thought Pippin had the ring. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

I woke the next morning, the bright sun was shining through the window, striking my room with an orange glow, but that wasn’t the only glow in the room. In the corner of my room was a pink glow, the longer I stared at the glow the more shape it took and after a long time I realised the glow was the shape of a dress. The girl in the dress turned and faced me, she was in the corner of my room, I blinked, and she is now standing right in front of me.

“I know you, but it cannot be? Amber.” I asked my heart was pounding, I knew the answer, it was Amber but she was a ghost.

“Do not give up Legolas, I believe in you, I do admit there is no chance for the good but the bad cannot ever take you courage. Remember I love you.” The ghost, Amber said.

“No don’t leave me, this is not right!” I yelled falling to my knees and throwing the pillow from my bed, at the fading Amber. I threw my face into my hands letting the pain out. The door opened then closed but his did not bother me as I do not want to give up, for Amber. A hand brushed beside me on my arm.

“Legolas we must leave.” I recognised as Aragorn’s voice.

“Yes we must.” I replied standing up and turning to face Aragorn. I was ready to die, to die for her.

This was it, as an army, nearly five hundred men were ready and preparing to fight, we were riding for Mordor. I was sure our plan was going to work but if things went wrong it was worth fighting for. As we reach the black stone gates of Mordor the men behind us stopped. Aragorn kept walking though, Gandalf, King Théoden, Gimli and I followed. As we reached the gates, they opened, and somebody rode out and stopped in front of us. He was hideous, around the outside of his mouth had splits that would move when he spoke and he was dressed in heavy black armour that was sharp and pointy. When he spoke it was cold and harsh. This was Sauron. Aragorn had walked up beside him on his horse, now he was side by side and with one small wave he had beheaded Sauron. Now the war starts. We rode our horses back and Aragorn started…

“I see the same fear in your eyes that would take the heart of me…”

“I never thought I would die side by side with an Elf.” Gimli started. I felt empty, he was right this was it, we were going to die fighting or die trying.

“How about side by side with a friend?” I asked trying to ease the tension.

“I-I could do that.” He smiled up to me and I smiled back. When the black gates were fully opened there were more than a thousand Orcs ready to fight.  This was it. FOR FRODO. We all charged towards the Orcs. It was a replay of every other fight I had been in. I was slashing my sword around killing those in my way.


I looked up at the sword that mine had collided with. A female rugged, cut, burnt all the above and without armour. This is not the first time she has tried to kill me or at least meant to kill me.

I know... I am ashamed... I said it would be a short chapter and I lied but I just got so excited when I came to the good bit and yeah I sort of missed some parts just to make it easy to read and I promise not to take to long to post my next chapter but this week may be really busy as I am going to be packing for boarding school so stay with me guys and I promise I will try and finish oh and I am still up for the offer of making a sequel to this. :D xx <3   

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