Secrets Revealed...

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Legolas’s POV

We were all still moping around after Boromir’s death and we were unable to find Frodo, Sam, Merry or Pippin though Aragorn says that Merry and Pippin were kidnapped by the Orcs, and apparently Sam went to go find Frodo but that just leaves Aragorn, Gimli, Amber and I.

“So you’re Lance’s sister? Why don’t you have the same last name?” I asked Amber coming to sit beside her.

“You wouldn’t understand.” She replied.

“Try me.”

“Fine,” She took a long deep breath in and spat out, “my mother, Lula Purityreaper, was to disown me and she took my brother instead, leaving me with my dad, Jacob Mist, and we were happy with that decision as my mother was horrible anyway and, well, then my father passed away and my mother could not bear seeing me so she sent me of to fight for the ring. There, end of story.” She said almost crying. I sat down next to her giving her a hug and sat there thinking of Boromir, and death.


“We must keep moving. The clouds are coming in fast.” I heard Aragorn say. I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes I saw that Amber was lying on top me, fast asleep.

“Hey sleepy head. Time to wake up. We have things to do.” I told her.

“Do I have to?” She moaned.

“Of course you do.” I replied laughing slightly.

“I hope Frodo and Sam are alright, not to mention, Merry and Pippin.” She said in concern. This worried me often but I could not let my fear shake me.

 “They are fine.” I said trying to sound casual and it did work because Amber got up with a smile.

“Then let’s go.” She said excitedly. “Wait where?”

“We are going to Gondor to help fight for the city.” Aragorn replied. She went silent and for a while I thought she was going to run off because she had the look that she did not want to fight but I do not blame her as it was her mother that sent her here. As we were riding our horses to Gondor I saw Amber whisper something though I was unaware of what she said. She looked as though she was going to leave us and run off but I had a plan to ride over to her to keep an eye on her but hopefully she would just think that I am being friendly. As I went to make my move, we came across a camping spot where we were to stay until our next travelling.

“We will rest here” Aragorn stated. I was glad that she was no longer on a horse that way her urge of escaping would not be tempted.

“Aragorn? You know I think Amber isn’t happy and maybe she wants to leave? Maybe we should let her go?” I told Aragorn.

“Legolas, as much as I love your well spirited heart, she is part of the fellowship, she cannot leave us now, she swore and if she does leave that’s not our problem, it is the kings.” He replied. “You are a good person Legolas but she cannot leave, perhaps try asking her why she wants to leave?”

“Oh I am only guessing she wants to leave Aragorn, but maybe I will. Thank you.” I said then turning to leave but as I left the king of Gondor entered the tent.

“I need to talk Aragorn?” he said and I left straight after that. I made my way over to where Gimli and Amber sat talking and laughing.

“Hey, what’s so funny?” I asked.

“Gimli.” Amber replied and she then stood up to face me. “I am off to bed, night all.” And she turned to leave.

“Well? Go on after her.” Gimli ordered me. And I did exactly what he said but it did not go how planned. Amber entered the tent and as she stepped inside I sort of yelled at her.

“Why do you want to leave so bad?!” I asked. “If it’s because you are scared of fighting, being part of it then just tell Aragorn but please don’t go running off.”

“Like I would get far I would get to the barrier and then someone would catch me and take me back. And it is not that, well sort of.” She answered sort of shocked.

“Then what is it?” I asked more calmly now.

“I don’t want to say.”

“Please?” I said getting down on my knees.

“Fine.” She finally said and I got on my feet to face her. “I am afraid, yes of fighting, but only because, well, I might lose… you.” She said almost crying. I embraced her in a hug.

“You won’t lose me and I won’t lose you. I swear to it.” I said now realising how bad I had sounded before.  Before I could say much more we were interrupted but Gimli.

“Let us go now, ya seem to be finished crying and whatnot.” He said, he had obviously been listening and I should have seen it coming but I was not worried.  I left Amber in the tent and came out with Gimli and as we reached our tent Aragorn was there with a big grin.

“We need some more fighters and I know exactly where to find them.” He said excitedly.

Authors note: This is my first Authors note so here goes nothing and sorry guys I know this chapter was boring but it was necessary so you understand the base of Amber’s story and I hope you will keep reading as it gets good and there are more secrets and twists to be revealed… By the way I hate saying this but I don’t want to post the next chapter until I get three more votes that way I know that it is worth writing, I hope you understand.

Enjoy guys J

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