Evolution of the Daleks

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"These humans... will become like me. Prepare them... for hybridisation." Dalek Sec announced slowly as he stood before them. The Doctor slipped away unnoticed and moved behind some machinery.

The pig slaves grabbed the humans and was forcing them to move when music started playing. Dalek Sec looked around confusion. "What is that sound?"

The Doctor stepped out, holding a radio. "Ah, well, now, that would be me." He put the radio down by a bunsen burner and walked up to Sec. "Hello. Surprise! Boo. Etc."

"Doctor." Dalek Sec recognized him immediately.

"The enemy of the Daleks!"


"Wait!" Sec stopped them.

When the Dalek's didn't move, Doctor stepped closer. "Well, then. A new form of Dalek. Fascinating and very clever."

"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter."

"How did you end up in 1930?"

"Emergency temporal shift."

The Doctor's eyebrows rose. "Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, huh? Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world, but instead you're skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. All of which results in you."

"I am Dalek in human form."

"What does it feel like?" He asked. "You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. It is Dalek Sec, isn't it? That's your name? You've got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you're thinking right now."

"I... feel... humanity." Sec said and turned away from him.

"Good." The Doctor nodded. "That's good."

"I... feel... everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition," Sec turned back to face the Doctor. "Hatred, aggression and war. Such a genius for war."

"No, that's not what humanity means."

"I think it does." Sec said quickly. "At heart, this species is so very Dalek."

"All right, so what have you achieved then, with this Final Experiment, eh?" The Doctor asked as he looked at all the Daleks. "Nothing! Because I can show you what you're missing with this thing." He pointed at the radio he had put down. "A simple little radio."

"What is the purpose of that device?" Ask one of the Daleks

"Well, exactly. It plays music. What's the point of that?" Doctor sassed. "Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you're a Dalek of course. Then it's all just noise." He suddenly use his sonic screwdriver on the radio making it let out an ear piercing shriek that hurts everyone's ears.

"Protect the hybrid!"

"Protect. Protect. Protect."

The people took the chance to run out of the Laboratory and into the tunnels again. "Sweetheart, we need an exit!" The Doctor yelled.

"On it!" Lorelai nodded and took a sharp turn. The people trying their best to keep up. They ran into Tallulah on the way out and Doctor yelled at her to run.

Lorelai stopped when she saw the ladder. "There!"

"Good job!" Doctor praised her and started to rush the people out of the tunnels.


The Daleks and the pig slaves stopped at the ladder were the people left through. "They have ascended. Return to base." One Dalek ordered and the pig man turned to leave. Once they were gone, it turned to the other Dalek. "Request information. What is your opinion of Dalek Sec?"

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