Smith and Jones (Part 2)

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The Doctor was sat in front of a computer, trying to hack into it with his sonic, when Martha rushed in. "They've reached the third floor." She glanced at what he was holding. "What's that thing?"

"Sonic screwdriver." He said without looking up.

She huffed. "Well if you're not going to answer me properly..."

The Doctor turned to look at her. "No really, it's a screwdriver... and it its sonic." He held it up. "Look."

"What else have you got?" She asked sarcastically. "A laser spanner?"

"I did but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst, cheeky woman. What's wrong with this computer?!" He snapped and hit the computer making Lorelai flinch back. The Doctor pulled her onto his lap and rested his chin on her head as she leaned against him, listening to his duo heart beats. "Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon platoon upon the moon..." He sighed and started to ramble. "Cause we were just traveling past. I swear, we weren't looking for trouble. Honestly, we weren't. But I noticed these plasma coils around the hospital, and that lightning, that's a plasma coil. Been building up for two days now, so we checked in, thought something was going on inside. Turns out the plasma coils were the Judoon up above."

"But, what are they looking for?" Asked Martha.

"Something that looks human but isn't."

"Like you, apparently." She smirked.

"Like me." The Doctor agreed, then quickly added, "But not me."

"Haven't they got a photo?"

He shrugged. "Might be a shape-changer."

"Whatever it is, can't you just leave the Judoon to find it?"

"If they declare the hospital guilty of harboring a fugitive, they'll sentence it to execution."

Lorelai gasped and sat up to look at him. "All of us?"

"Oh yes." He picked her up and moved her off him so he could work on the computer again. "If we can find this thing first... OH!" He yelled in frustration causing both girls to jump back. "You see, they're thick! Judoon are thick! They're so completely thick! They've wiped the records! Oh, that's clever."

"What are we looking for?" Lorelai asked.

"I don't know. Any patient admitted in the past week with unusual symptoms." He picked up the screen and started to sonic the back of it. "Maybe there's a backup."

"Just keep working. I'll go ask Mr. Stoker, he might know." Martha told him and left the room.


The Doctor and Lorelai ran out into the hallway and Martha ran into the Doctor. "I've restored the backup." He told her.

"I found her." She gasped.

"You did what?"

They looked up as man in a black leather biker outfit broke down the door to Stoker's office and ran after them.

"Run!" The Doctor yelled. Lorelai squealed as he picked her up and they made a run for it. They ran down the hall and down the stairs but had to stop and run a different way as the Judoon were heading up the stairs. They ran around corners and down the halls with the biker hot on their tail. They stopped in the radiology room and the Doctor quickly shut the door behind them and used his sonic to seal it.

He placed Lorelai down behind the glass walls of the operator's room and pushed Martha in with her. "When I say 'now' press the button!"

"But I don't know which one!" Martha yelled.

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