The Shakespeare Code (Part 1)

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The Doctor cranked a wheel on the side of the consol as the TARDIS shook. Martha held onto the consol so she would fall over while Lorelai held on to the pilot seat.

"But, how do you travel in time?" Martha asked. "What makes it go?"

The Doctor scoffed. "Oh, let's just take all the fun and mystery out of everything. Martha, you don't want to know. It just does. Hold on tight!" He practically climbed onto the consol and used his foot to reach a reach and they both stumble when the TARDIS finally landed.

"Blimey!" Martha laughed. "Do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?"

"Yes, and I failed it. Now make the most of it! I promised you one trip and one trip only!" He said as grabbed his coat and threw it on before before grabbing Lorelai's. "Come here, Love." He put her coat on her while Martha grabbed her own.

"Out this door," The Doctor rushed over to the door. "Brave, new world."

Martha smiled. "Where are we?"

He smirked and the door creaked as he pulled it open. "After you."

She stepped outside and looked at all the people walking around at night, dressed in old clothing. "Oh, you are kidding me. You are SO kidding me. Oh my god, we did it! We traveled in time! Where are we? No, sorry. I gotta get use to this whole new language. WHEN are we?"

"Look out!" The Doctor pulled Martha and Lorelai back as a man dumped the contents of his loo out his window. "Mind the loo!" He yelled down to them.

The Doctor covered Lorelai's eyes so she wouldn't see it. "Somewhere before the invention of the toilet. Sorry about that."

"I've seen worse." Martha said. "I've worked the late night shift at A&E. But are we safe? I mean, can we move around and stuff?"

"Of course we can! Why do you ask?" He led Lorelai pass the mess on the ground before finally uncovering her eyes.

Martha hurried after him. "It's like in the films! You step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race!"

"Well, don't step on any butterflies."

"What did butterflies ever do you you?" Lorelai asked, making them laugh.

"What if... I don't know. What if I kill my grandfather?" Martha asked.

The Doctor turned to look at her but kept walking. "Are you planning to?"


"Well, then."

Lorelai looked around in excitement and reached out to hold his hand so they wouldn't accidently get separated. "Is this London?"

"I think so." He muttered. "Right about, um...1599."

"Hold on!" Martha suddenly spoke making them both stop to look at her. "Am I alright? I'm not gonna get carted off as a slave, am I?"

The time traveling duo both looked at her confused. "Why would they do that?" Asked the Doctor.

Martha pointed at her face. "Not exactly white, in case you haven't noticed."

"Well, I'm not even human. Just walk around like you own the place. Works for me." He shrugged and kept walking. "Besides, you'd be surprised. Elizabethan England isn't so different from your time. Look over there," he pointed to a man shoveling horse manure. "They've got recycling." They walked by two men talking over a barrel of water. "Water cooler moment."

"...and the Earth will be consumed by flames!" Preached a man as they passed him.

"Global warming." Lorelai added and the Doctor chuckle.

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