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:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
*:・゚.✧:・゚.✧ *:・. *:・゚.✧:・゚.✧
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Tomorrow morning the team went to practice but someone is missing they all worriedly look at the door hoping to see the orange head but no luck, the day continues but none of them can't pay attention to school or practice.

As promised they all went home a wore formal white attire they met each other at the Karasuno gate waiting for Takeda and Ukai because they said that they want to come they are also wearing white attire, they hop on the bus they rent while coach Ukai and Takeda looked at the teams sadly before driving to their destination

"Hey did anyone feel nervous all of a sudden earlier?" - Suga

"Yeah around midnight" - Daichi

"12:00 am to be exact" - Asahi

"I do felt quite nervous at that time" - Yamaguchi

"Me too.." - kageyama, Tsukki,and Tanaka

"Me too I felt like I lost someone important to me" - Noya

"That's weird..." - Suga

The team arrived at their destination and to their confusion, they saw crying people and thought that they are in the wrong place, but coach Ukai and Takeda sensei came out and went to the crying people with the team closely following behind.

Their eyes went wide when they saw Hinata's Tokyo friends as he call them looking at the coffin saying something and smiling even Kenma is smiling they can't see who are they smiling for but they have a feeling that they don't want to know.

Someone called them and it's too familiar to them so they bow and greet her with respect. Mrs.Hinata smiled at them as she hands an envelope to Daichi

"Everyone I know that you came here for shoyo but I'm also sure that you are confused because my son didn't tell you anything but... My son is gone forever... And that envelope in your hands Daichi is Shoyo's answer to all of your unanswered questions... thank you for coming..."

And with that Mrs. Hinata left them trying to process what she said while she continues to greet other visitors. Coach Ukai and Takeda sensei went to their team with Kyoko and Yachi behind them

"C-coach what?" - asahi

"Th-this isn't true right?" -Yamaguchi

"Ye-yesterday w-we had fun!" -Tanaka

"H-he's alive we even rode the extreme rides" -Noya

"..So how..." -Kageyama

"...I don't get this....." -Tsuki

"It's unfortunately true... Hinata told us yesterday that when he ask for permission to skip practice he told us everything " -coach Ukai

"And Kiyoko and Yachi know too?" -Tsuki

"Y-yes w-we do" -Yachi

"We were with coach Ukai and Takeda sensei yesterday.." -Kiyoko

"Do not blame them if they knew, Hinata just wants a happy goodbye with all of you and he doesn't know how he can tell all of you that he's...Dying..." -Takeda sensei

"B-but takeda sensei! I'm not ready to lose him we did not expect this when he asked us this favor" -suga

"We thought that there will be a party but not this!!!" - Noya

Daichi and Asahi are trying to calm them down but they can't stop the tears from falling into their eyes like waterfalls...

They just can't believe this... No one can...

Tsukki and Kageyama are quiet they both look at the coffin with Hinata's Tokyo friend blankly looking at him but their tears are freely falling into their cheeks.

Once Suga and Noya calmed down they join Hinata's Tokyo friends...

They all look at Hinata lying in the coffin his face is peaceful just like sleeping but this time he won't ever wake up...

The Karasuno looked at Hinata's friends and their eyes went wide when saw all of them smiling but their eyes are visibly sad.

That's when they remembered Hinata's favor to smile for him... And with that, all of them smiled at their most favorite person in the world.

The people are leaving each time and Karasuno just can't leave.

Hinata's Tokyo friends already left because they can't take it anymore, they might promise but they just can't do it and cried and cried until their eyes hurt but tears won't stop falling.

The Karasuno members are the only ones left behind, they stare at his grave blankly not believing that he's gone.

Natsu walks up to them with a seed in her hands and plants them in Hinata Shoyo's grave.

"Onii chan said he wants a sunflower when he rests for a long time, so here it is!! I hope that he can have a good rest so he can come back soon"

They look at Natsu, she reminds them of shoyo very much but they controlled themselves by crying in front of her because they might scare her.

The team went back to the bus, silence it's so quiet that you won't think someone is really riding the bus, they arrived at the Karasuno gym and looks at each other before nodding and opening the envelope. Daichi took out the letter and reads it.

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