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Sorry this is so short, I came across this draft and decided to just proof read and publish.

Tara's POV

"It's not funny, Rory." I sigh into my phone. I'm sitting on the curb outside my house waiting for David to get back from Leo's.

"Come on, Tara. How is it not hilarious?" Rory asks teasingly.

"Emily walking in on me and David kissing is not funny." I insist in a low voice.

Yesterday David and I were watching a movie at my house, no one was home so we thought we'd be fine, when Emily burst into the room. She didn't even realize what she'd barged into. Emily just started talking, like always.

"I thought David was going to die." I sigh, hugging my legs to my chest.

"Well, it could have been worse, it could have been your aunt." She giggles.

"Your not funny, Rory. Not at all."

"It's not like you were doing anything, right?" I can hear the smile in her voice.

"RORY!" I squeal, flapping my hands at her threateningly.

"What? It was just a question." She snickers evilly.


"Relax, my mom said to wait until i was sixteen. Because then I'd be more mature and prepared." Rory says primly, sitting up straighter.

"I dont want to think about that right now." I sigh.

"No, you want to think about Davidddddddd." She snickers."

"Oh my God, Rory."

"Okay, okay. I'll stop, but only because the man of the moment is approaching his leading lady." She says, picking up her bike from the side walk. "Until next time, Tara." With an unnecessary bow, she walks away, leaving me blushing.

Well, sorry for not writing for a while. I got caught up in starting high school myself, and discovering Teen Wolf and THOMAS BRODIE SANGSTER! HOW HAD I NEVER HEARD OF HIM BEFORE? Anyway, I'm going to try to keep writing, have an amazing day.

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