Chapter 3

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~Tammy's PoV~

{Day 5}

   I woke up at dawn in Dad's spare bedroom(my memory of Philza's L'Manburg house is rusty, so if it truly doesn't have one, then just pretend it does) in L'Manburg. I had fled here when a flash flood destroyed my campsite during yesterday's morning's thunderstorm. Fortunately for me, the only thing I lost was my tent.

    I head to the kitchen and see a book and quill on the table next to a plate of still-hot bacon and eggs.

   "'Since Dream said that you couldn't visit Tommy, and nothing about me visiting; I'm off to visit Tommy with Ghostbur. Don't worry, I took the chocolate chip cookies you baked for him yesterday afternoon with me. Don't know when I'll be back. Enjoy your breakfast. Let me tell you, I've missed cooking for my kids.'" I read aloud. 'He must've just left if it's still hot.'

   I sat down and began eating. After breakfast, I cleaned up all of the dishes and swept the floors. Once that was done I began the long, but satisfying and calming task of preening my lavender plumage; cleaning each of my 48+ feathers, removing leaves and twigs from between them, straightening out the crooked ones and plucking out the loose, broken or bent feathers.

   It was mid-afternoon by the time I was done preening, totally worth it though, so after throwing the debris from my preening away; I grabbed Wilbur's old guitar, Ghostbur had said that Alivebur would've wanted me to have it, and went back to the room. After making sure it was tuned properly and warming up with the scales I played the first song Wilbur had taught me.

"There will come a soldier,
Who carries a mighty sword.
He will tear your city down,
Oh lei-oh lai-oh lor.
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lor.
He will tear your city down,
Oh lei-oh lai-oh lor."

"There will come a poet,
Whose weapon is his word.
He will slay you with his tongue,
Oh lei-oh lai-oh lor,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lor.
He will slay you with his tongue,
Oh lei-oh lai-oh lor."

"There will come a ruler,
Whose brow is laid in thoen.
Smeared in oil like David's boy,
Oh lei-oh lai-oh lor.
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lor.
Smeared in oil like David's boy,
Oh lei-oh lai-oh lor."

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lor,
He will tear your city down,
Oh lei-oh lai...

   I broke down crying at how broken our family had become. 'We used to be an inseparable family...' I said to myself. 'What's happened to us? Wilbur's dead now; Dadza was forced to murder him; Techno no longer answers my letters; my nephew, Fundy, doesn't want anything to do with me, Tubbo's exiles his best friend, who just happens to be my twin brother. I remember how the four of us would preen each other's wings before going to bed, I would preen Tommy's feathers, Tommy would preen Wilbur's feathers, Wilbur would preen Dadza's feathers, and Dadza would complete the preening circle by preening mine.' I chuckle as a funny memory surfaced. 'I remember our first preening circle after Tommy & I had manifested. We all hovered at the ceiling with the bucket ful of the discarded feathers. Dadza had called Techno in and we dumped the feathers on him when he entered and they all clung to him. Tommy had cracked up and said: "Now you're a birdy-man too, Techy!" He was so mad at us for the rest of the week.'

The End of the Sleepy Girl? (A Dream SMP short story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora