Chapter 8

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~Sapnap's PoV~

   For what was probably the millionth time since Tammy was proclaimed missing, I fingured the stunning engagement ring I had crafted myself. It was made out of silver that I had managed to color black and shaped like the ender dragon. It's eyes were made of two bright purple amytheist shards and it had tiny pieces of nether quartz that I had polished so hard that they turned clear. A flawless diamond was set smack-dab in the middle of it. 'Where are you Tams?' I thought, before hearing a knock at my door.

   "Go away George. I told you, I'm not coming out until we find her." I snap. I spin towards the door as I hear a familiar voice say: "What the fuck man?! He's who you were talking about?! He hates me!" I pull my door open and drag the two of them inside.

   "Why the heck did you bring him here Karl?! He's exiled! I should go ge-- T... Tammy!?" I rant before choking on sobs as I see the ghost of my girlfriend floating behind them.

   "SAPNAP!" She floats excitedly over to me and clings to me in the same position she would when she was alive.

   "Why does my twin remember you, but not Karl right off the bat?" Tommy asked.

   "He saved me from a Wither! Don't you remember Tommy?" She said enthusiastically. "Oh, Sapnap, are you upset? Here, I have some White for you." With that, she handed me a snow-white stone that radiated calmness.

   "Okay... Now, why are you three here?" I asked, my voice hard.

   "Tubbo's lifting my exile. He feels that if I'm with Dad I'll be able to help him cope with her death somewhat better." Tommy explained. "Here's the book." Upon reading it I hesitated.

   "Doesn't sound like Dream knows about this from his wording." I murmur. "I'll have to think a bit first."

   "Alright Sapnap. But you should know, I've called a meeting to tell everyone of GhosTammy. Will you come?" Karl asked me.

   "Uh yeah." I said, discreetly grabbing the box that held the ring. "I want closure just as much as Philza does." I mutter under my breath.


   When we arrived there, I noticed that almost everyone was here; even Technoblade was in a corner and I notice George widen his eyes in surprise at me. Karl walked into the center of the room and they all fell quiet.

   "I called you all here because I have some, unfortunate, news. You can show yourself now, Tammy." Karl said and excited whispers broke out and my heart broke as Phil's expression turned from neutral to pure glee. However, those whispers turned to gasps of shock as she phased into visibility. A heartbroken, stuttering wail echoed through down the Prime Path as Philza sank to the ground, sobbing as ebony black feathers began floating in the air.

   Phil's sons were at his side in an instant, Techno also crying while he rubbed circles on his back between his wings, Ghostbur was shoving Blue into his hands, and Tommy wrapped his wings around him, making a trilling sound that I recognized as a sound Tammy once made to calm me down.

   "Dadza, Techno; don't cry." GhosTammy said, floating over to them and reaching into her pocket. "Here have some Whi-" She froze, the White in her hands falling to the floor and shattering as the sound of a sword being drawn was heard. Next thing I knew, she barreled into me, hot lava tears falling onto my neck. 'Thank you Blaze genes.' I thought as I hugged her back. I turn to see Dream, who had his sword drawn and looking furious.

   "You're not supposed to be here Techno and Tommy." He said. "Come. I'm taking you back to-" I tuned out the rest as GhosTammy began rambling to me.

   "I remember. I remember my death. I was sneaking off to visit Tommy. Dream stabbed me through the gut and shoved me into the lava. He killed me Sapnap. He took me away from you." She rambled and I felt my blood began to boil and fire ignite in my eyes as I held the still-crying ghost of my girlfriend in one arm and draw my over-enchanted diamond sword and direct it at Dream.

" She rambled and I felt my blood began to boil and fire ignite in my eyes as I held the still-crying ghost of my girlfriend in one arm and draw my over-enchanted diamond sword and direct it at Dream

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What Sapnap's Engagement Ring to Tammy Looks Like
(the white gems on the side are the nether quartz, the small emerald is the amytheist eyes, and the large emerald is the diamond)

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