Chapter 4

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~Tammy's PoV~

{Day 10}

When I woke up, the urge was stronger than ever, my wings kept twitching. Almost as if they wanted to fly of my back to Tommy. 'Tonight. I go see him tonight. Hopefully, the darkness will hide me when I approach the portal. But first, I will spend the day cleaning myself up.' I decided.

   I started with a nice shower, first letting the water trickle through my wings as take all the loose dirt particles with it. I squirted the special feather conditioner onto my wings and rubbed each wing thoroughly. When I rinsed the conditioner out, my feathers were once again their pristine lavender color. I then scrubbed my body hard, removing the dead skin and dirt caking my skin. Then I battled with my filthy, rat-nest-like hair for the rest of the shower.

   After a nearly two-hour shower, I was clean. I dried my body, put on a white long-sleeved shirt then a white T-Shirt with purple sleeves. I wrapped my violet bandanna around my neck, hiding my locket; and then removed the compass from where its hung since Ghostbur gave it to me and placed it around my neck. I also put Sapnap's two gifts on and went out onto the porch.

   'Thank you Church Prime for a sunny day to dry my feathers out.' I silently praised, sighing in content as the sun warmed my wet feathers, drying them with its gentle touch and the light breeze fluffing them up.


   Night fell and I crept downstairs. I scribbled a note down and left it on the table for Dadza. I left the house and took off, flying towards the SMP Nether Portal. I slip into the Nether quickly, the urge getting more and more irristable, unaware of the mask-wearing, lime green-clad figure watching me from the shadows.

   "Hmm..." I pondered. "I remember overhearing Niki and Ranboo say that the path to Logstedshire had green arrows... So I just need to find a path with green arrows." I set off wandering the Nether, hoping the gold chain my compass hung on was enough gold to keep the piglins at bay.

   Wandering around for 10 minutes, I finally found it and began half-walking, half-fluttering along the path, humming happily. About halfway down the path I saw a sign that read: Welcome to Logstedshire  |  Population: 1

   I had just caught sight of the lone Nether Portal when excruciating pain exploded out of my lower back and belly. I look down and my eyes widen.

   Sticking right through me and covered in my blood is an enchanted netherite sword. A chilling voice whispers in my ear and the blood that's still in my body turns to ice.

   "And just where... do you think you're going?" Dream whispers, driving the sword deeper. Blood had begun filling my mouth and throat by now, so I couldn't answer him.

   "I told you to never to come this way." He continued. "But here you are, sneaking off in the dead of night to see someone who is in isolation." He removed all my accessories and lay them on the path.

   "Now, you are paying the price for your reckless decision. Your things will stay here until someone finds them." After saying this he pushed me to a kneeling position. I felt him place his foot on my upper back and kick me both off his sword and the path and towards the lava below.

   The last thing I see is Dream lift his mask, revealing crazy-filled eyes and a maniacal smile as he salutes me. Then, I pass out from blood loss.

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