Desolation Row

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It's been a year since I've updated! I'm so sorry. I doubt there are any readers left....but if you're out there, I love you!


AnnaLynne's fleeting thought, followed by the sudden realization of said thought, outraged her even more (if that was even possible at this point). "Who tHE HELL DO YOU TH--" She was cut off by a quick, yet precisely aimed, jab at her left shoulder, executed by her personal trainer. Her flinching at the act caused her more pain--Saint Leonard's wasn't known for comfortable beds, so her sore neck always caused her sudden pain--than the actual jab. Were the Diamonds teaching stage fighting now?

"Fucking fight me." No anger seeped into his calculated statement; he could have just commented on the weather with the tone haunting his words. "Throw a blow. Use your powers." His tone fell off on the last word. Damen wasn't stupid. He knew what he was up against, and he actually seemed a tiny bit frightened.

AnnaLynne bit her lower lip, actually lost for words...for once in her life. "You want me to do what to you?" She carefully retraced the words as they were forced through her lips.

"I want you to ravage me, Anna; " Damen folded his arms in annoyance, "Why won't you listen?! Get that through your pretty little head. Fight me. Now. Or we won't blend in." The last sentence was hushed to prevent it from traveling to the ears of the other Diamonds.

"I...I don't want to hurt you...?" Should she trust this guy? He is a member of the group that beat the living daylights out of her best friend. Hannah. Now AnnaLynne was angry again. Rather than forcing the bitter taste down her throat again, she raised her eyes to meet the gaze of the Diamond in front of her. Moments after locking eyes, Damen collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain. Keeping her gaze steady, in a sort of trance, AnnaLynne unloaded all of her anger from the past days into her action.Screw therapy, this was true anger management. Fighting ceased around them, as attention was drawn to the pair, half of which was clawing at the ground out of desperation.

"YOU C-COLD BITCH" His words struck her like a slap in the face. Tears welled up in her cold eyes, blocking her view of Damen. Immediate relief crashed over him, as he lay on the ground, panting heavier than an old dog on a hot summer day.

Lorenzo stepped over Damen's recovering body, and put an awkward arm around AnnaLynne's stiff shoulders, "I knew you had it in you. You'll make a flawless Diamond yet." He withdrew his arm in a very fluid motion and went back to surveying the others. Ray, Celeste, and herself were the only ones to disarm their opponents; Liam, however, failed miserably. As Lorenzo spoke with Liam, a flash of disappointment crossed his face.

(Hey guys. Updating from mobile so if anything is screwy, blame the app. Love you guys. Vote? Comment on your favorite part!)

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