The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You

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(So I promise that I will give you guys another update for every comment/vote I get. c; I just want feedback, guys! Also, people are still confused on AnnaLynne's exact powers. Although I keep referring y'all to the first chapter, here you go: She can alter memories of someone, as long as she is touching said person. Also, as you saw in last chapter, she can inflict pain on others. No, she doesn't have to have eye contact with said person. She only has to see that person. Damen and AnnaLynne locked eyes, but that was just him giving permission to her.Sorry about the confusion!!!! ) 

Maybe this is how she deserved to live. AnnaLynne allowed a single tear to roll down her cheek, and fall to the ground. When her abilities emerged as a preteen, her father decided to personally train her to control her them. And during this training, her father told her that she could only shed one tear, and so she had to make it a good one. And so he helped his daughter control the urges and desires to hurt others. After allowing herself to let go for a few precious moments was basically impossible; she fell in a trance of sorts...moments turned to seconds, and sometimes minutes. While not deadly in most cases, being under this effect for more than ten minutes had caused one person to die. AnnaLynne's mother, who possessed the same memory-altering power as her, erased the incident from her daughter's memory. 

"And now, my dear friends, " Lorenzo had moved himself to the front of the crowd, and stood on a piece of the wreckage from the crash, "I have the great honor of introducing our new Diamonds. Diamonds in the rough, as the old saying goes. But, some already have a high clarity, if I do say so myself." His gaze passed over AnnaLynne, paused for a moment, and continued. Gross. She shuddered at the thought of Lorenzo being anything other than her enemy-turned-boss. 

You can say that again. Oh, so Damen was listening. What a creep. 

Oh, so you're not dead.

I wish I was. You've got some bite to you, Anna.  She wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh, or to do it to him again for the comment. As the thought passed through her mind, AnnaLynne was pretty sure she saw Damen smirking. He really needed to get out of her head. 

The companion school bus, which must have turned back upon realizing its partner wasn't following behind it, appeared from the cloudline, decending toward the ground maybe fifty yards away. The crowd quickly quieted down, and Lorenzo stepped down from where he was." EVERYONE ON THE BUS" The order was barked by Worthington, our favorite head guard, to the shivering group. And so they all boarded the buses, squished in together like anchovies. 


Back in her favorite cot, AnnaLynne stretched her legs past the end of the bed and began to feel sleep nip at her toes. Today was a long day and all she needed was to sleep. If only sleep would stop pulling on her toes. Wait. Propping herself up on her elbows, AnnaLynne squinted toward the south end of the cot, but couldn't see anything. It's just me. Be quiet, follow me. She didn't question the fact that there was a voice in her head; instead, she questioned why he went for the toes instead of tapping her on the shoulder or something. Boys. As any rational person would do, she got out of bed, wrapping a blanket around her semi-bare shoulders. 

I'm not going to speak to you; I was told not to wake anyone else. Just follow me, please. Woah, she got please; must be a special occcasion. Speaking of which, why was she awake at this hour of night? 

Why time is it? AnnaLynne's thoughts were blurrings together as she blindly followed the figure in front of her; She could only tell it apart from the rest of the suffocating darkness by a slightly darker black than its surroundings. 

It is about three in the morning. And I was sent to retrieve you for Lorenzo. He wants to personally speak with you. I have been charged with escorting you for the time being. What was the term you used for it....Personal trainer? That's exactly my job description, according to our dear Diamond leader. This prompted AnnaLynne to wonder exactly what Lorenzo's power was. There were no whispers--atleast that she could hear--of him or what he could do. I feel like you're too scared to ask me questions. AnnaLynne, I know everything that you think. Atleast, when I'm near you. Now, I cannot disclose that information to you because I know that Lorenzo is planning on telling you tonight; you need to act as though you have never heard the information to ensure he trusts you, understand? You need to gain his trust. You have his respect, but without his trust, you will never be able to succeed in what you desire, Anna. And I want all your desires fufilled. Now, we are almost there. Wipe all the crust from your eyes and smooth out your hair.  

Nodding in response--it did not dawn on her that he couldn't see her-- AnnaLynne did as she was told. They had passed through multiple hallways and doorways, until Damen stopped. It looked like any normal door, with no paticular markings or numbers on the frame or face, yet he seemed to know without a doubt that he was in the right place. A soft white light seeped from the bottom of the door, which must have given Damen the indication that they had arrived. After straighting his shirt, Damen twisted the door knob, and pushed it open. 

"I've been expecting you, my dear. Where have you been?" Seated on a luxious couch in the middle of the room was Lorenzo, dressed in all white--which was not part of the Saint Leonard's official uniform. "Come, come. Sit." He patted the couch next to him, motioning with the other hand for AnnaLynne to join him. "I don't bite hard, my dear. Well, that's a lie. Only if you want me to."

If he lays a hand on me a swear. Smiling, she joined him on the couch, having had to cross the room to do so. Also in the room, in various types of furniture, were the other Diamonds; their numbers, without the new recruits, totaled up to about fifteen, with all of them being male. AnnaLynne sat down softly, slightly terrified to be surrounded by so many men. Although a sexist thought, it was totally true. 

"I have a proposition for you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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