Arms Raised High

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(Dang guys. 350+ reads!?!?! Amazing. Thanks, guys. <3>

The harsh cracking sound that accompanied the split of the bus was excrucatiningly loud; it was as if a roll of thunder had envolped the occupants of the bus, coming alive as their world fell apart around them. Screams, shrieks, and yells of terror filled the air as a couple dozen teenagers free-fell through the air, hurtling towards the ground at an alarming rate.

" HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT LIAM, COLLIN, AHHHH--"  AnnaLynne's limbs flailed in a sporatic fashion as she was pulled toward the Earth by gravity. The bus had been suspended higher in the air than it usually flew, so the distance between it and the earth was greater, calling for a longer fall.

As hand grabbed both of her arms, Liam and Collin gave her a slight look of assurance accompanied by a look of "I'm-about-to-pee-my-pants". "HANG ON!"

"WE'RE GONNA DIE, WE'RE GONNA DIE OMG OMG THAT LITTLE SHIT XANDER." Anyone else in her situation probably would have watched their life flashing before their eyes and prayed to God, but not AnnaLynne; all she saw was red. Red, the color of anger and loathing, flashed behind her eyes. The ground got nearer and nearer until the hero was sure that they were all going to end up like pancakes; right before they all were bound to hit the dirt (and bite the dust), a popping sound echoed in her ears and the falling sensation ceased. She opened her eyes slowly, unsure if this was what death felt like.....only to see a lady bug crawling up a leaf a few inches infront of her face. "Thank goodness." And after being suspended for a few short moments, the invisible ropes that must have been holding her up dissolved, causing her to fall directly onto her face. "OW. ouch."

"So most of you passed the first test: not wetting your pants. Well....most of you." Lorenzo's voice rang out, giddy with excitement. A few snickers came from the Diamonds gathered behind him. After AnnaLynne pushed herself into a kneeling position, she wiped her aching nose with the back of left hand, a small amount of blood was transferred on to it. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. The voice of White Goodman from her favorite movie--Dodgeball--spoke in the back of her mind, adding for a little bit of comic relief in this otherwise boring filler chapter. "So...Everyone. Congrats! Now all you have to do is pass the next test. Hope everyone is up for a fight! And knives." He clapped his hands, and waved everyone to their feet.

"Did he just say we're going to fight?" Liam, who had fallen to the ground next to her, asked, his voice wavering with uncertainty and curiosity.

(((BOOM! Filler chapter. Next chapter will be better....I just have to remember to update. c: Comment, SHARE, VOTE, but remember: fish are friends, not food. Thanks guys. c: )

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