Prolouge: A Picturesque View of Passing Fantasy

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If there really was such a thing as a permanent record, AnnaLynne Caven's would weigh 10 pounds, and contain more volumes than the Encyclopædia Britannica. From the time she set foot in school when she was 6 years old, her teachers hated her. Hated her because she was different. By the time she had reached high school and her abilities had clearly presented themselves, one could see why everyone disliked her in the first place. It wasn't for her dry, sarcastic humor; but because she could someone searing pain with only a glance, and adjust the memories of those around her. And these powers are what Lynne kicked out of Sky High. There she had been placed in the hero class, but she never had much interest in the "mastering your abilities" thing. So, when she was finally kicked out of the school for excessive fighting (emphasis on excessive), AnnaLynne was ecstatic--that was until her parents made her pack up her things and attend Saint Leonard's Academy--the alternative school for those kicked out of Sky High. Although her parents claimed that they were doing it out of love, AnnaLynne was convinced that they just didn't want her to taint their image. The offspring of two major superheroes should be...heroic, right? And this is where we find AnnaLynne--crouching behind a frosted-over blueberry bush in mid-January, trying to keep warm by rubbing her numb hands together. At first she was trying to outrun the navy-shirted officers of Saint Leonards, and now she was just trying to stay alive.

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