Out of Place and Underdressed

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I'm baaaaccckkk. I made myself sit down and write this (I also tried to make it a bit longer than usual) because I wanted to see what was going to happen. The anticipation was killing me.

"What do they call themselves again?" Collin asked as he and his brother both wiped tears from their eyes; they had both fallen in to a bout of laughing when AnnaLynne had explained what had gone down in the cafeteria.

"You heard me the first time." AnnaLynne frowned, pushing aside her class work for Hero Skills class. Even though the students at St. Leonard's were split up by blood level, they were also seperated according to hero and sidekick powers--the same way that Sky High did their students. As a pure-blooded hero, AnnaLynne had only three classes--Hero Skills, Weapons and Defense, and Physical Education class. With these three classes, she rarely had written work, but that rare day was today...unfortunately.

Liam pouted a bit, propping his head up on his palms, "Come on, don't you think it's funny? Lynne...Stop doing your work and just laugh. Please?" He tried to look in to her eyes, which she promptly ignored, looking down at her pencil. "What ever." Liam sighed dramatically, tapping his fingers on the wooden desk, right below a sketch of the Hero Skills teacher being strangled by an unnamed student, "Guess you don't want to hear the news about Hannah..."

"What news?!?!" This perked her up a good bit; Lynne hated that she was ignoring Liam, but she didn't want to rekindle anything. It wasn't the right time. She tore her eyes from the desk and looked up at him expectantly, "What is it?"

Collin and Liam exchanged a look before Collin reached out to put a hand on Lynne's arm, "Just don't freak out okay? Okay?" After she nodded understandingly, he sucked in a deep breath, "She's been...shipped out. Back to Albany. And before you say anything, remember that she was really beat up, Anna." He cringed, waiting for the oncoming storm...

...But there was nothing. "Okay," was the only response elicited from the information. "I understand. She'll probably be better off in Albany." AnnaLynne picked back up the chewed-up pencil, pulling the worksheet back in front of her.

"Are you mental, Anna?" Collin shook her shoulder, retracting his arm moments later, "Why are you accepting this!? It's insane!"

"Aren't you the one who told me that everything was going to be okay?" She gave them a brief glance, before scribbling down an answer on the paper. "And I'd rather her be gone when I beat the Diamond's asses to a pulp."

"And how are you planning on doing that? You can't use your powers outside of classes." Liam snorted, shaking his head at his friend. "And you'd probably kill them using your powers."

"I didn't say anything about using my powers." She stood up, pushing her chair back from the desk as the bell rang loudly.


Her third, and final, class of the day took place in the bleak basement which had been converted in to a gym. It was the size of a football field, with a boxing ring, weight corner, and an arena for "save the citizen". Her class was supposed to rotate between the stations, but most people usually watched whoever was competing to save the citizen. Before she had escaped the school, she had usually been one of the ones cheering for the vilians on the sidelines, but now she found herself releasing her built-up anger and confusion on to a punching bag.

Why did Hannah agree to leave, or did she even agree? Why is Xander only 12? Will Liam please stahp staring at me pls? How is my kitty doing back home?

She took a moment to get a sip of water and wipe the accumulated sweat off of her eyebrow. Due to the cold snow on the ground outside, the school had cranked up the heat and so it was really hot in the spacious basement. AnnaLynne set down the water container, then went back to beating the shit out of the inanimate object.

"Are you picturing your ex-boyfriend's face on that?" Someone asked behind her--the voice seemed pretty close by, so she stopped mid-punch and turned around to face them. "Because you must really hate him."

Surprise! it was Lorenzo. "What the hell do you want with me?" She asked, lifting up the hem of her shirt to wipe her face.

Ignoring her question, he raised his eyebrows, "Nice birth mark." AnnaLynne's face got a slightly darker shade of red, pulling her shirt back over her stomach. "Someone's shy, I see."

As the anger slowly built itself up inside her, brick by brick, she took of her boxing gloves and looked away from Lorenzo, "I'd rather not flash everyone I meet, thank you very much." She threw the gloves on the floor, kicking them under a bench, trying to avoid any eye contact.

"You don't have to shield your powers from me, Anna." Lorenzo's voice came from right behind her, too close for her comfort. "So look me in the eyes." He grabbed on to her arm, turning her to face him.

"Leave me alone, Mr. Sparkly Diamond." That was my worst line ever. AnnaLynne yanked her arm out of his grasp, prompting grabbing her towel and threatening him,  "And don't ever touch me again or I will use my power on you, and it will hurt. That I can promise." She then prompting stomped away.


Hope that wasn't confusing. Anyway....if you have any suggestions, critique, or anything you want me to include, just comment. and vote? c;

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