The Trowbridge Ball

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"I thought you vetted these men," Marina said as soon as Katherine picked up her phone.

"I did. Mr. Rutledge was today, correct?"

"Yes and he asked to see my teeth." She hissed.

Katherine gasped. "No. Alright, I'll see if I can't talk Portia off of him."

"I just don't understand why I have to go about things this way when there's plenty to choose from with this matchmaking thing." She sighed, flopping down on her bed.

"Portia wants things done quickly. You're really close to where you'll start showing and with the lifestyle you're about to enter into, they're still more traditional with some things. So we need to find someone who won't ask questions and will propose yesterday."

"How did you help the other person that was in my position?"

"They went the adoption route so they stayed at a friend's family vacation home and we found someone through an adoption agency that would take the child."

"I wish I could go that route." Marina sighed. "Sure I was scared when I first found out but knowing that it was his, I started to grow attached. I just wish I didn't have to go through this stupid event or find a husband and just do everything by myself. Are you sure I can't come stay with you? I promise, I don't need any extra supervision and you know that both the baby and I are healthy."

"It'd raise too much suspicion now. With me coming over everyone just thinks that I'm doing business especially since half of the time I pop across the street to see the Bridgertons."

"And I guess I do have Pen here to keep me company."

"You do. I know it may not seem like it now but I promise, it's the best place for you to be."

"Are you sure you're not secretly a mother?"

Katherine laughed to cover up the fear of Marina actually piecing things together. "No, I most certainly am not but I've been told that I make a pretty cool big sister. Now rest up and I'll see what I can do about Portia, alright?"

Marina chuckled. "Alight. See you soon."

"What are you doing here on a Saturday?" Eloise asked as she leaned against Katherine's office doorway.

Katherine looked up from where she was hunched over multiple files. Eloise had texted her after she and Penelope had walked around the open-air market to see if she could stop by. When Katherine told her that she was at the office, the teenager was rather surprised. "Making sure I get my head on straight for the busy day I'm about to have. What's up, buttercup?" She motioned for Eloise to come in and have a seat.

"Do you know who this LW is?" Eloise asked as she sat down. This would be the easier of the questions to ask her honorary big sister.

Chuckling, Katherine shook her head. "No, I do not know who LW is. I can't even get into their blog without using the link they send out each time. Whoever they are, they're good."

"Would you like to join me and Pen as we search for their identity?" She smiled, eager to have Katherine join them.

"Why don't you two keep me updated since I have to make sure nothing unwanted is leaked on top of everything else I'm trying to run." Katherine gave her an encouraging smile.

"Yes, I can do that. I'll just send things to a group chat since Penelope is helping Marina weather these events and is trying to find someone for herself." Eloise then took a deep breath, looking down at her lap to try and calm her nerves. Katherine was smart so she was nervous that she'd put things together but she was in need of some sort of advice and she felt like she couldn't go to Daphne or her brothers.

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