the duel

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AN: Hello! I know that it has been quite some time since I've posted. Life just got busy, ya know? Thank you all so much for your patience and for all of your love for this story. I hope you enjoy this next chapter and I cannot wait to hear what you think. Happy reading!

Katherine made Eddie stop through a drive-through, but it seemed like the universe didn't want her to relax just yet. Just after she had popped her latest chicken nugget into her mouth, Portia Featherington called her. She remembered seeing Marina dancing with Mr. Rutledge during her rounds so thinking it had to do with that, she let it go to voice mail except she called right back.

She let out a small huff before answering the phone. "I apologize Mrs. Featherington. I still had my phone set on do not disturb." She lied even though she made sure to sound genuine.

"I figured it out."

"You figured what out?" Katherine shared a confused look with Eddie in the rearview mirror.

"The reason why my husband has been avoiding you. Why my husband scared away Phillipa's only suitor. Why the casino has been doing poorly and why we haven't produced what we used to. I figured it out and I need you to come over. I can't pay you right now, but I need your best, Katherine, the girls need your best."

Slumping in her seat, she let out a heavy sigh. "Alright. I'll be there soon." She hung up the phone and took a long sip of her drink. "Change of plans, Eddie. Take me to the Featherington's."

"Yes, ma'am. Would you like your emergency make-up remover wipes?"

Katherine smiled, taking the wipes that he offered her. "You're the best Eddie."

Much like when she was called over for Marina's condition, Katherine was pulled inside of the study without much pretense. The tulle of her dress billowed out a bit as she plopped down in one of the chairs as Portia shoved a leather-bound book in her hands. "There it is. All of it." Portia motioned to the book as she leaned up against the desk.

Katherine grabbed her phone and took a picture of the account information so she could use it. Archie, however, had taken thorough notes within the ledger and soon Katherine knew where every penny that Archie Featherington owed was due. "Well, good news is that he hasn't gotten into any trouble with loan sharks and I highly advise against that. There's a reason why they're considered the lowest of the low. Bad news is that even with what business you're bringing in with the casino, you're going to have to file for bankruptcy soon."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"I'll stop by the casino tomorrow. Make sure no money has been tampered with there. It doesn't look like it but I want to see it with my own eyes. From there I'm going to start the online portion of the campaign I created to help business there. It's the cheapest option and can be done in-house."

"And what about my husband?"

"Personally? I would confront him and even offer to take control of things. Professionally? Tell him that he better be there when I stop by the casino in the morning." She closed the book and handed it back over to Portia as she stood.

"You really think I could manage things?"

"You're looking a lot better than he is right now."

"No one can know about this."

Katherine smirked. "Oh, I'm well aware. If this got out, it could be the end of your ties to the organization. You might also want to suggest to your husband to go to rehab or get some kind of help. He doesn't just like to gamble, he has a problem, a very big problem and if it is not fixed, even I can't do anything to help."

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