Jayden's Diary: Pt 8

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When I woke up Dwayne was asleep with his arms and legs on me I guess he was trying to cuddle or something but what ever he was going, it wasn't comfortable so I pushed him off me. When I Got Out Of Bed, I looked outside the living room window to see what it was looking like outside and it was an alright setting... After that I went to the bathroom to wash my face,.. Again.. Even though I slept it off I still felt like I wasn't myself so I just put my clothes and shoes on and sat on the front porch...

Minutes later

I could hear Dwayne calling my name, looking for me and stuff

I didn't respond because I wanted to see if he'd freak out or something but luckily for him he was smart enough to come outside but the thing that got to me was he got mad I didn't say something then got more mad when I didn't argue with him he just kept talking and talking, I thought it was funny but what made me mad was this nigga was tryna argue with me in his night clothes so he goes back in the house rushing to put on his clothes like I'm about to go somewhere, i was only getting some air and he was over reacting but I think I made him that way because Anthony was always bothering me and he'd always do it in front of Dwayne but he should know i wouldn't play that card on him, mind games aren't necessary to me I'd rather be loyal to somebody who's worth it and I really believe he's worth my time and loyalty... He goes back in the house to get our phones I just turned mine off and enjoyed the view of the sky,.. The clouds were so amazing,.. staring hard as hell up at the sky, just day dreaming until Dwayne starts talking about I gotta play basketball with him,.. I just paused and closed my eyes... When I opened them I saw him ignoring The fact I had an attitude and started bothering me about playing ball with him.. I took my pants and shirt off and walked slowly to the back yard and played a couple games with him.. after I did what he wanted to do, I wanted to walk around... He tried to talk his way out of it but I did play ball with him even tho I didn't want to, he had no choice so we took a walk but before we left he talked about how it's cute to play ball with me, which sorta distracts him and he ended up taking forever to get ready to go, I told his ass if he shoots another basket I'll walk by myself.... This little bitch shots the ball again but he thought I was playing, I walked off so fast he quickly put his clothes back on. I was already on another block but eventually he caught up to me and got mad I took off on his ass... Oh well

As where walking around we bump into Anthony again he was with a group of people and I could tell he was on something else I could feel the tension from his body language

Me: what's up, Anthony?

Anthony: wassup jay, how you doing

Dwayne: *Sigh*

Me:*noticing his face* I'm happy, why ?

Anthony: I came over here to tell Dwayne I don't appreciate his attitude towards me, Jay your cool but him I'm sick of his shit

Dwayne: the only reason you came over here was to prove a point in front of a crowd so please get the fuck out my muthafuckin face

Me: umm.. Okay then... Come on Dwayne

Dwayne: Nah if he feels like he has to entertain a crowd then give them a show, ain't nobody stopping this line backer

Anthony: ain't nobody tryna put on a show for nobody... I mean it's obvious and simple... I know you never liked me because you think I like Jay and let's be honest he's somebody to cuff real talk he's smart, funny, obviously loyal and keeps it real all the time,

Everybody knows y'all are cute together so why not fuck it up or at lease try to... What Gay guy you know would pass up something like that!?! Like for real that's what everybody wants, to be happy... When people get happy some adore it.. Others envy it... But me... I'd like to say I'm kinda jealous of it And the only thing I do like about you Dwayne.. You have good taste.. You know a good one when you see him, so yeah I've been trying to take yo man for the longest, I've tried getting his attention, finding common interests, i even tried getting him in trouble then taking the blame for it but he never seem to get

Me:*interrupting* boy I knew you liked me, was I interested? not even. Shantee told me you liked me and would purposely do irritating ass shit to get attention but that made me ignore you more... Nobody likes for somebody to try too hard and that's your problem I'm not saying I would've gave you a chance because there wasn't gonna happen but you came on too strong and had your hopes up for nothing but who cares those are personal problems you gotta resolve with yourself... Sorry Anthony

Dwayne: damn,... Man that's sickening to know huh !? *laughs*

Come on jay*grabs my hand*

Me:*shaking my head at Anthony while turning then walking away

As where walking away I could hear one of the boys throwing shade and I guess that must've made Anthony mad as hell because he ran up on Dwayne and snaked him, I heard his big ass running up but I wasn't for sure so I ignored it... and Anthony busted his lip*pow*right in the mouth I caught Dwayne because Anthony hit him hard as fuck I was looking like this

So while they fighting Anthony friends start screaming WORLD STAR I low key was laughing a little and I spoke out loud to myself like *these niggas are something else*

While they fighting I'm trying to break it up... One of the boys helped me out then Dwayne and Anthony started calling each other all types of names and stuff I'm like "Dwayne shut up let's go that lady called the police, come on" so we went back to his brother house and I cleaned him up,.. His lip wasn't that big after he kept the ice on it and I'm sitting there asking myself why was they fighting ?! So I asked Dwayne he said he doesn't know either I'm thinking to myself like he did snake him.... I'm like damn what the fuck.... Ugh this is crazy as hell,

Dwayne is alright, he's cool so I'm happy about that but I talked to Dwayne about letting it go and moving on because all of it was dumb as hell and could've been avoided, he agreed but I knew it would take awhile for official forgiveness because Dwayne thought there should be a round 2 I tried telling him it's not worth it but he wasn't trying to hear that so I let him be then we stayed up all night his brother didn't get off until the next morning so i tried getting some sleep while Dwayne waited for his brother... But I Couldn't Go To Sleep And I Wanted Dwayne To Be Cool I Gave Him A Massage Until I Thought He Was Calm Then His Brother Showed Up And Was Asking Hella Questions About What Happened To Him,.. We Told Him And His Brother Thought They Were Fighting Over Me And Got Mad But Dwayne Explained To Him It Wasn't My Fault So He Apologized Then I Told Him To Keep Dwayne From Fighting Again That's Not Cool, His Brother Agreed but Dwayne Felt Like He Should Get A Round 2 But I Told Him, If That's What Y'all Wanna Do Then Do That On His Own Time I Can't Deal, Then I Went To The Bedroom And I Laid Down, I Had A Bad Migraine So I Laid There.. Hoping it'll go away.. Dwayne and his brother stayed up talking about it and after awhile, it got annoying so i shut the door, played my playlist and I got comfortable... Until Dwayne comes in the room and starts playing.. Asking what's wrong and am i alright.. Rubbing and feeling on me while I'm laying in bed listening to my music.. I couldn't hear him but I seen his lips moving, I didn't feel like taking my earphones out and asking him what he said.. But I don't think he was planning on repeating himself because things shifted into something else, I knew he felt it because he gave me this look then suddenly I felt it and we just looked at each other as if nothing mattered anymore... I tried clearing my mind but not in the way he had his mind set upon.. But I Was Glad I Felt That Way Because I Wanted To Forget That Shit Ever Happened So I Sat up, took my earphones out and Gave Him A Hug Signifying I'm Down For Him And No Matter What Happens.. He hugged me back and I told him I'm sorry and it was like its okay or was nobody's fault.. I felt like crying at that point even though he was trying to get things started but I didn't care I just felt bad he fought because somebody was jealous of our relationship.. That's so stupid but whatever I'm glad he got me.. He makes me happy and that's enough for me

To be continue...

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