Jayden's Diary: Pt 14

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It was Sunday and I knew Dwayne had to wake up early for church. Usually he would wake me up but he didn't that morning so when I finally woke up I was looking for him then it dawned on me it was Sunday.. I was so sleepy I was't thinking.. I was kinda upset he didn't wake me up so instead of going off on him I didn't say anything at all but I'm not gonna hold it against him.. School was tomorrow so I headed home after I took care of my hygienes before I left I cleaned his room, brought the clean sheets up from the laundry area and made his bed up then I turned off all the light that were on and went home to get ready for school the next day. When I got home there was no one there so I took advantage of the peace and quiet then took a long nap. By the time I woke up everyone was home I checked my phone.. I had messages and missed calls from so many people I told myself I wasn't answering because i needed some me time so I stayed in my room and went back to sleep. I got at lease 30 minutes to and hour of sleep in before the little kids came upstairs making noise and that's when I decided to get up.. I looked for my school clothes then washed them with some other outfits and waited for that it to get done washing while I listened to these voice mails and read these messages when the clothes were done washing I dried them, went upstairs sat my phone on the charger and cleaned up my room after i was done I mopped then opened my window to let the floor dry, went back to the laundry area, got my school clothes and outfits, took them back upstairs and folded all of it. As bored as I was I wanted to talk to Dwayne but I wanted him to text me first... i was gonna text him then I thought I should call him so I did.. While it's ringing I'm waiting and eventually I get no answer so I said forget it then I get a text from him he was with his parents he said I'm sorry I would've called sooner but I'm still at church with my mom and dad I'll talk to you later I didn't reply I continued doing what I was doing then went outside I thought about how what he said but I told myself what ever... Minutes later my best friend Déjà called me and she wanted to chill so we ordered from Some fast food and went to her house.

Deja: so.. How's everything with you and Dwayne

Me: it's alright.. He's starting to grow on me and I really like him. I spent a few weekends with him over his house and his older brother house, that was fun.. He gave me a massage and it felt great

Deja: ooh.. Did y'all have sex ?!


Deja: oh my god, y'all did freak.. Ooh y'all nasty

Me:*laughing* didn't I tell you already

Deja: I don't know, I can't remember I've been so busy but if you did tell me again.. So what was it like

Me:*laughs* it was great

Deja: did it hurt ?

Me:*laughing* oh my god

Deja: come on jay tell me and be for real

Me:*stops laughing and calms down* our first time having sex I was scared and yes it hurt it took us awhile to get it in but when it was in I pushed him away from me.. My body jumped so hard and he wasn't even in all the way in, from that point he knew I wasn't lying when I told him I'm a virgin

Deja: oh my gosh..

Me: it hurt for a while then I just endured the pain.. After a while I was throwing that ass on a loop.. I know it was too much for him because he stopped for a second, grabbed my waist then hit it harder than he did before I damn near screamed but he covered my mouth when he did that trying to my ass quiet.. I looked back at his ass like, i said don't do that, stupid he starts laughing like it's funny.. But other than that the sex is great

Deja:*laughing* hell naw y'all are too cute.. I see the way he looks at you in school.. He be mad as hell when you don't say anything to him

Me:*shocked* what!? He never says anything to me in school I'm usually the one to start a conversation. But if that's what it looks like then fine.. I guess I'll talk more..

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