Jayden's Diary: Pt 9

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I took his hand, holding it firmly because I wanted him to know I really care about him then he hugs me tightly and whispered it's gonna be okay I pulled away and look at him

Me: listen I don't want you to think you were fighting him over me believe me I didn't like that shit at all

Dwayne: it's fine I know you wouldn't do something like that like, Im telling you.. he was just trying to impress his audience

Me: I just feel bad, look at your lip *holding his chin* shit is stupid

Dwayne: you fixed me up though.. I'm not bleeding or anything.. I probably would've kept fighting him.. I'm glad you were there to see I would defend you.. But thank you for caring for me

Me:*laughs* no problem

Dwayne: if you weren't there u think they would've tried to jump me.. real talk

Me: they was 5-6-7 people deep if they were gonna jump on you they would've fought me too.. That wouldn't make since because they out numbered us..

Dwayne: you right.. So he was doing it to entertain them

Me: yeah.. Which is so fucking stupid..

Dwayne: attention whore

Me: okay I don't wanna talk about that anymore

Dwayne: well what you wanna talk about Jay

Me: I don't know anything but that

Dwayne: *laughs* can't think of anything but that.. That's crazy

Me: what if I told you something would you believe me

Dwayne:*laughs* you've never lied to me before so of course I'll believe you but it depends on what you have to tell me

Me: if I told you, you wouldn't believe me

Dwayne:*laughs* then ask me Jay

Me: Dwayne we've known each other for almost 3 years now, we've been thru the storm and I know when the storm is over the sun will shine again, you will forever be my friend, no matter what. we been thru a lot.. People Say That Loyalty Is Dead But I refuse to Believe That. See The Problem Is Too Many People Claim It But They Don't Live Up To It, They Don't Understand It. Not Us Though and The times we spent together meant the most to me.. I'm happy to be with you and this is how I wanna show my appreciation

I kissed him and climbed on top of him as he laid back but then he stopped he

Dwayne: Jay... You don't have to do this if your not ready

Me: I'm Ready

Dwayne: I don't think you are

Me: I an

Dwayne: no you're just caught up in the moment

Me: I'm not, this is what I feel.. Being around you made me realize your worth.. I thank god it's us.. This love is fun.. We came to far to give up..

Dwayne: Damn... That's deep jay

Me: I love you

Dwayne: I love you too

Me: I wanna do this

Dwayne: okay but once we start there's no stopping or tapping out

Me:thinking to myself* i was not expecting him to say that* *laughs* okay

Dwayne: are you scared ?

Me: yeah,... *laughs*

Dwayne: but?...

Me: but I'm glad it's you I'm giving it too

Dwayne:*laughs* now I feel special

Me: shut up

Dwayne: you shut up

Me: *sigh* oh my god

Dwayne: it's okay.. Just relax

Then he kisses me then I take his shirt off and kiss his chest using my tongue to trace his abs teasing him as I get closer to his waist.. I could hear him breathing slowly from excitement, trying to be calm so I took off my shirt and as I'm taking it off he decides we should switch positions so now my arms are stuck in my shirt and all I could feel was his lips and his mouth*biting my bottom lip*then he took my shorts off and used his mouth to take my underwear off while I rose my waist up to help him out eventually he gets them off and goes down on me... Let's just say he knows how to use his mouth..... But you wouldn't believe what happened next.... His brother tries to open the door... Luckily Dwayne locked and closed the door all the way when he came in... But he asked if we wanted anything and Dwayne just tells him with no hesitation.. "condoms and lubrication you got some" I looked at him like damn tell the world... He said that shut loud as hell and that's wasn't necessary because the window was open so I closed it and shut the curtains and we resumed.. But his brother came back to the door with condoms and stuff but I went to the door that time I took the condoms and the way I looked at his brother I'm sure he knew not to disturb again. I went back to the bed and I took Dwayne shorts and underwear off and went down on him... to be honest I had no idea what I was doing, everything we did was new to me... But I tried it I guess I was doing the right thing because he grabbed my head and rubbed his fingers thru my hair which felt good because it was like a massage... But as excited as I was I wanted to do everything with him so I french kissed him, he was better at it then I was. thinking to myself like damn why didn't I decide to do this sooner then he caught my attention when he gripped my ass I looked back and he was hard as fuck so I asked him was he ready, he said are you ready, I laughed as I watched him bite his lips then I said yeah, grabbed the condom, opened the wrapper and put it on him.. Then he warned me again before I got on his roller coaster.. There are no stops.. I looked at him like shut the fuck up and fuck me but I didn't say that I just thought it while he was talking..

To be continue....

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