Jayden's Diary: Pt 15

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Half Way Asleep I Got Out Of Bed I Checked My Phone For The Time And The Line Must've Got Dropped Or He Hung Up Either Way It Didn't Matter. I Washed Up, Brushed My Teeth, Did My air, Then I Got Dressed And Waited For Everybody Else.. When They Were Ready We Left Out, Got Into The Car Then We Headed To School After We Got Breakfast.. Deja Called Me Asking Where I Was I Told Her I Was Outside.. She Like Nigga I Started Laughing Them I'm Like Here I Come She Hangs Up Like She's Mad So.. I Hurried To The School, We Met Up Then We Talked For Awhile About Relationships And Happiness.. Celeste Came Over And Join In The Conversation But She Was Talking About The Going Through Hell Phase Of A Relationship Which Changed The Whole Mode Of Being In Love In My Heart Which Reminded Me To Ask Celeste To Keep An Eye On Dwayne For Me She Asked Why So Deja And I Discussed It With Her And She Agreed To That For Me. The Bell Rang And Everyone Went To First Period, I Have Celeste And Dwayne In 1st Period Class, Our History Teacher Gave The Assignment After He Was Done Discussing What Was Going On In The Front Page Of The Newspaper.. After The Talk About The News Paper He Passed Out The Book Assignment And We Had All Period To Complete & Turn It In When I Got Done I Texted Deja On Some Bored Stuff But She Wasn't Replying Fast Enough So I Assumed She Was Busy Working Then Our Conversation Got Boring So I Let Her Go And Told Her To HML(Hit My Line) When She's Not Busy.. After That I Sat There Bored Then I Thought About Shantée Then I Texted Her But She Didn't Reply So I Waited.. And Waited.. Then Asked My History Teacher If I Could Go To My Locker, He Let's Go, I Left, Called Shantée Because I Figured She Was Still Asleep... Over Demetrius, Her Boyfriend House She Didn't Pick Up So Left Her A Dramatic Voicemail Then, I Told Celeste And We Joked About How Shantée Will React To It Then Celeste Asked Me To Let Her Know What Her Response Is I Said Alright. The Teacher Asked Everyone That Wasn't Finished To Hurry.. The Bells Gonna Ring In A Few So Got Packed My Things Up And Talked To Celeste Till It Was Time To Go.. When The Bell Rung We Took The Conversation Our Lockers Then Shantée Finally Came To School And She Started Tweaking About The Voicemail, Celeste And Were Dying Laughing, Her Reaction Was Priceless.. I Could've Cried.. Celeste Laughed So Hard She Cried-Laughing About How She Has To Pee I'm Like Go Pee Shantée Was Like Y'all Ugly Asses I Can't Stand You Bitches.. After She Said That I Was Satisfied She Was Pissed Then I Told Her Well Next Time Get Here On Time She's Like Bitch Im Grown I Get Here When I Can Fuck I'm Like Ooh You're Angry Celeste Was Like Somebody Has A "Tude" Shantée Was Like Fuck Y'all I'm Going To Class I Was Like Don't Be Late She Was Like Shut Up Bitch Celeste Started Laughing Again.. I Started Thinking To Myself Like Damn I'm Forgetting Something Then I Asked Celeste She Was Like Dwayne Duh I'm Like Oh Shit So I Ran After Shantée When I Caught Up To Her I Pulled Her To The Side Then I Asked If She Could Do That For Me She Was Yeah But I Shouldn't Do Shit, Had Me Scared And Shit Don't Leave A Voicemail Talking About They Jumped On You I Came Up Here Ready When I Saw That You Were Okay I Knew Off The Top Y'all Was Playing On The Phone I Started Laughing Then She Was But Yep I'll Watch Him For You I Was Thanks Then I Went To Anatomy & Philology Class I Changed My Classes Because My Old 2nd Period Teacher Had Personal Issues And Always Exaggerated On Any And Everything.. It Was Too Much When Started Complaining So I Bailed Out My New 2nd Period Teacher Was Cool But He Was On Us About Our Work So I Was Fine With That.. Class Was Great.. We Didn't Have Homework And The Assignment Wasn't That Hard Then Jessica Came To Class Late She Asked What We Did I Explained Everything Then I Told Her Where To Find The Answer After She Was Done I Told Her My Plan Them She Asked Me Why I'm Snooping I Told Her So I Know It's Real She Started Laughing And Was Like Check ✅ I'm Like No Jessie Real Talk If You See Him Doing Anything Tell Me You Don't Gotta Watch Him Like A Hawk, Only When He's Talking To Other People She Said Okay Cool I See This Is Important So I Got You Boo. Out Of Boredom I Started Bothering Natiara But She Was Too Sleepy So I Left Her Alone... Then I Tried To Draw But I Thought It Looked Crapping So I Balled It Up And Sat It Aside.. Jessica Grabbed It Asking What It Was I Sorta Ignored Her Because I Was Trying To Focus Then I Paused And Told Her It's Garage She Opened It While I Continued To Get The Drawing Thing Down Jessica Was Like What TF Is This I Was Like Damn I'on't Know How To Draw But You Still Wanna Take My Confidence She Was Like Just Stick To What You Do Because Thing Shit Is Terrible Im Trying To Ignore Her So Bad Then Natiara Picks Her Head Up Giggling, Asking If She Could See The Drawing.. Jessica Gave It To Her She Started Dying Laughing I Couldn't Help Myself But Laugh Under My Breathe Because it Wasn't The Best.. I Then I Was Like I Thought You Were Oh So Sleepy Natiara Was Like I Heard Jessica Talking About Yo Drawing So J Had To See What She Was Talking About It's Bad Compared To That Other One You Did I Was Like Yeah, Then I Took It From Her And Threw It Away, Both Jessica And Natiara Started Laughing I'm Like It's Not Even That Funny, Calm Down.. After Awhile They Stopped Laughing I Packed My Things Up And Waited For The Bell When It Rung I Headed For The Door Then Jessica Was Like Wait For Me I'm Like I Shouldn't Wait, Especially After All That She Was Like Jay We Were Just Playing, Calm Down.. I'm Like Whatever.. When She Got Done With Her Work Then Teacher Wanted To Talk To Her About Her Being Late To His Class So I Waited In The Hallway For, Her When That Was Over We Went To the 2nd Floor Celeste Shantée Were Down There Kk eAlready, So Was Deja.. Jessica Said She'll See Me 4th Period Then I Gave Her A Hug Then She Walked Away Toward Shantée And Celeste And Went To See How Deja Was Doing.. She Was Getting Bigger, As Soon As I Got Close Enough I Rubbed Her Belly Gently, Feeling The It Kick.. Instantly I Got Excited And Told Her It Kick, She Laughed And Was Like I Know, I Felt It Silly.. I Felt Slow For A Moment Then I Asked Her When She Was Due She Said On The 23rd Of August, The Moment She Said That My Eyes Got Big.. She Gave Me This Weird Look Then Asked Why I Looked Like That.. I Waited A Moment Then I Told Her My Birthday Is On The 23rd Then She Said, Not Surprised, No Duh.. I Know That I'm Suppose To Know That.. I Thought To Myself For A Moment Like "Damn, I'on't Remember Her Birthday" So Avoided Asking Her Because I Didn't Wanna Piss Her Off So I Gave Her That Exit Line *Okay I'll Talk To You Later, Dai Dai* She Said See Ya Buns Then I Headed To Geometry Class Before The Bell Rang... When I Walked In The Teacher Already Had The Assignment Up For Us To Do While She Waited For The Other Student To Show Up So She Could Take Attendance After I Was Done I Sat There Waiting On Dwayne To Show Up For Class He Was Taking Too Long For Him So I Text Him And He Never Replied So I Asked If I Could Go To The Bathroom, She Dismissed Me To Go And When I Left I Called His Ass But He Didn't Answer, I Thought About Leaving A Voicemail But I Didn't, I Just Went Back To Class And Tried To Not Think About It.. As Much As It Kinda Bothered Me I Can't Make Him Come To Class, That's His Choice I'm Nobody's Guardian But I Wish He Would Get Life Shit Together Because I'm Not Planning On Going With A Dummy So That Being Said I'ma Hope He Does So It Won't Be A Issue But It's Really Up To Him. Anyways We Didn't Do Much After The Assignment And Homework So Everybody Started Doing Them, Me I Pulled Out My Earphones, Played My Music And Chilled The Rest Of The Period. When The Bell Rang I Left, Stopped At My Locker To Drop My Books And Binders Off Then I Played Around With Shantée On Our Way To Gym Class. I Wasn't Feeling Gym Today So I Didn't Get Dressed.. Everybody Not Dressed Sat On The Bleachers. When Class Started I Couldn't Help But Think About Wayne.. Shantée Asked What's Wrong So I Told Her How I Felt And What I Was Thinking She Thought I Shouldn't Overthink It Or Let It Bother Me.. I Asked Her If She Had Seen Him At All Today She Said No And I Said Me Either She Told Me Not To Worry As Much He's Fine I Told Myself She's Right And I Stopped Thinking About Then She Started Telling Me About Her And Demetrius But I Think He Was Just Bored And Was Thinking About Him So I Started Half Way Listening To Her When She Noticed I Wasn't Really Paying Attention She Hit Me But I Told Her I Was Watching Anthony, Look At Him Trying To Stretch.. His Big Ass Reaching Shantée Started Laughing Then Some Girl Who Was Standing By The Door Walks In And Sits With.. As We're Laughing She Hops In Asking What Was Funny We Told Her Anthony, She Looks At Him And Starts Laughing Then She Points Out His Crack.. I Suddenly Lost My Love For Laughter After I Saw That Shit. The Girl Who Wasn't In Our Gym Class Told Us She Was Gonna Take A Picture Of Him Trying To Stretch When She Said That I Stopped Looking His Way And Started Talking To Shantée Like I Ain't No What Was Going In When She Took The Picture The Camera Shutter Sound Was Up Loud On Her Phone So Which He Heard And She Walked Out Of The Gym Like Ain't Shit Happen. When Anthony Put The Puzzle Pieces Together He Realized She Took Pictures Of Him And Started Tweaking, He Was So Pissed He Tried To Get Loud With Shantée Talking About Why You Let That Burnt Bitch Take Pictures Of Me, If That Was You I Would've Stopped Her Or Told You She Taking Shots But Shantée Wasn't Trying To Hear That Shit Because It Is What It Is.. He Got So Loud The Ms. Barron Put His Ass Out Of Gym Which I Don't Blame Her Because It Was Never That Serious So Whatever, Nobody Cares, He'll Get Over It. When The Bell Rang I Got My Stuff And Went To Art Class But Deja Wasn't In There So I Left Right Back Out I Heard Her Laughing So She Wasn't Far But I Went Looking For Her Anyway... I Left Out Looking For Her Which Wasn't Hard But I Walked Passed A few Girls That Just Laughed As I Went By Them I Looked Back Like Ok Thinking *Shouldn't Y'all Be In Class* But I'm Not Gonna Jump To Any Conclusions I Ignored Them And Kept Going Until The Minute Bell Rang Then I Headed Back To Art Class. She Made It To Class Before She Was Late. Our Art Teacher, Mr. Devuono is a bit too much of an perfectionist.. Personally I think he took his job as an art teacher too seriously, he had a bad habit of lecturing the class about the unnecessary stuff then gets mad when we put our earphones in to ignore him.. No one wants to hear him nag but when he wasn't getting on our nerves or tripping about something of no importances he was cool. I had him as my graphic designer teacher as well so I saw him twice a day until I got into with him for letting somebody else take my assignment, I changed my schedule that day.. He was the type of teacher that will pressed your buttons on purpose for irrelevant reasons. I avoided conversation with him for awhile, anyways, the late bell rang and everybody continued on their art projects. I was almost done with mine I just needed measure, draw a straight line, cut and paste but somebody took the ruler I was using I asked somebody else for there ruler. I was waiting for awhile but I didn't mind because I was almost done anyway so I played on my phone to kill time. I checked my messages and call log to see if my brothers hit my line but they didn't so I text them both and we the conversation went on from there.. Later on it dawned on me that I told myself I was gonna tell Deja something, I got so busy with my work it slipped my mind so I put a pause to my replies but they were still messaging each other because my phone was still buzzing. There was 20 minutes left in class and I finished my project in a hurry, pulled Deja outside of class. I was bit uncomfortable about telling her what I was about to tell her but when I did she started asking all types of questions.. She was so struck by the idea of my first time she wanted to know everything but there wasn't enough time and the bell was about to ring so we headed back inside, got our stuff and left to 6th period when the bell rang, i had lunch so I wasn't worried about being late so went to my locker and put my book-bag up and walked to lunch while I read my brothers messages.. I usually walk to lunch with my cousin but his ass got in trouble so he got kicked out and had to go to an alternative school, his older sister and her cousins were there with him so I didn't worry as much. When I got to lunch i didn't eat anything but a orange and a apple i gave the rest away to Dwayne, he tried making conversation by asking if I'm alright and as happy as I was to see him I acted like I wasn't, he must've read the emotion and saw I wasn't in the mood for conversation and went to play card games with the boys at the other table after he left I got up and moved to a different table too.. Shanté came over and asked what happened as if something happened but nothing happened and that's what I told her she was like it looked like something happened and I replied nothing happened then I smiled at her and after that she just said alright well if you need somebody to talk to I'm here for you then she got up and walked away I looked up at her like what, wait what you mean? But the lunch room was so loud and she was already away from she didn't hear me so I continued to talk to my brothers.. Then I asked told them everybody's acting weird today they was like no it's you Jay go talk to somebody I'm like I see these people everyday, there isn't anything going on in here so there's nothing to talk about my youngest brother was like then maybe you should try being less anti social today my younger brother agrees with him, as usual, and thought I should let somebody know I'm alive they love being funny so I muted the conversation since I'm the topic but I took there advice and sat with a few friends just to see what was up then Bree came over here and started bothering.. She stayed bothering me so nothing was new about that but she then she started asking if I'm talking to anyone and I looked at her like what? Why you ask that? She was like because you been acting funny lately like u been up to something and I'm like my love life is none of your business ma'am she's like well excuse the fuck out of me I started laughed them Dominique hopped in the conversation and have me a compliment on my smile I told her gratitude then she laughed then Bree demandingly asks me why I talk like that? I'm like what you mean? She's like gratitude!? I looked at her like what's wrong with saying gratitude she's like really nigga I'm like it means thank you she's like why you just didn't say that I'm like why is it a big deal she was it's not I just wanna know I'm like because it sounds nice to me when I say it she laughed and said just keep it simple silly then Dominique said anyways you have a pretty smile Jayden I nodded my head and turned away thinking to myself like today must not be my day or something but it wasn't a bad day or anything close it I guess i wasn't myself today but I continued to act as if there's nothing wrong after lunch I went to my locker to get my book-bag then to my 7th period English class we continued to read our book The Crucible I wasn't feeling the whole group reading thing so I kinda eased off to the side away from the others and read to myself. The Crucible was able this group of young girls that got caught dancing in the woods when they were discovered dancing everybody ran off when word got back to the villagers rumors of witchery was being spread around the truth is there was no witchcraft, no dark magic, or no devil involved in the story just a girl named Abigail that had an affair with a married man and topped lies up top of lies on innocent people that died because they were accused of witchcraft with no way to prove their innocence man that book was something else I couldn't wait to watch the movie. When I continued reading my phone buzzed but I ignored it because I thought it was my brothers then it buzzed again so I checked it turns out it was Dwayne asking if we could read the Crucible together I smiled at my phone, I could feel him staring at me while I replied to his message when I sent it I put my phone away and continued reading then my phone buzzed and I check it.. It was Dwayne again asking me to come read with him I started smiling again then I put my phone away after I replied. I told him I like it over here he was like I'll come read with you before I could reply he was up and over here already then he asked where I was at I told him the page number I was on and we read the rest together and after Mr. Davis told us to close our books and sit them on the table Dwayne asked what was I doing this weekend I told him I don't know yet why? He's like because I'm not doing anything and if your not doing anything then should spend it together I'm like we could spend it but I don't know if I'll be busy so is it okay if you wait on answer he's like sure I'm like just remind me because I get caught up in my books I tend to forget I do have a life outside of school he was like it's good that your focused I smiled then he touched my hand and i started feeling weird I guess you can say I had butterflies. Then he pulled out his phone and started typing when he stopped he told me he was sending me a message and that he didn't want me to read it until the bell rings I asked him why can't you just tell me he was like because it's important to me but I just want you to read it after class though I'm like alright Mr. technical-difficult he laughed and was like you'll like what I have to say I just want you to read it when the bell rings I'm looking at him like what magic trick does he have up his sleeve while he's smiling back at me.. While he continued typing I grabbed our books and stacked them on top then put on my book-bag and talked to Brian(he was this openly gay guy that dresses like a female)while I waited on the bell to ring Brian was like I see y'all caking it over there I'm like what are you talking about we were just reading the book he was like no I'm talking about the texting, the smiling, the way y'all look at each other and most of all the way he touched your hand I looked at Brian like wow really nova he was like are y'all dating or what because if not y'all might as well be.. I see u at his locker or him at your locker.. I'm like how you know we're not friends or something he was like friends don't show each other that kind of affection so just tell him what's up because I've figured it out I'm like well since you figured it out theres not much to say then plus the bells about to ring so talk to you later, the desired of wanting to know more made him stop me from walking away, we got 7 minutes left just give me the short version and you can tell me the whole story another time I'm like actually we have 3 minutes and this is not the place to be talking about that type of stuff at school he was like your right heres my number, text me before you call my man be tripping I started laughed, took the ripped paper with his number on it and told him alright when the bell rang I got Dwayne's message but when I looked up he was no where in sight so I read it, smiled, I laughed a little bit too.. It's was so cute to me. He was telling me how much he likes me and that I'm his and only his and that I better not break his heart or he's gonna cry and that he's glad he's my first because liked the idea it was special and very intimate and that he wants me spend the week end with him so he could wake up next me and knowing I'm actually there instead of him dreaming and how he wants me to go to the movies with him or stay inside and watch something on Netflix I was smiling so hard my cheeks felt like they were stuck. Celeste saw me cheesing and asked why I'm smiling like that when I looked up Dwayne walked right past us slowly then I told her nothing I just talking to my brothers before I have to go in class then she snatches my phone and read the message, Dwayne wasn't watching us(that I know of)to be honest, I don't think he cared if anybody knew about us but he didn't say he was out yet so I didn't say anything to anybody unless it was my friends I trust them not to say anything so they didn't I knew they weren't gonna say anything so I talked to them about my relationship with Dwayne all the time but I won't lie I could see us together and everybody knowing about us and I'm not tryna' rush him, push him, or pull him out I just wanna be happy with him I wanna be that somebody he can count on I want him to be that somebody that'll hold the wheel and ride for me no matter what I don't intend to hurt him and I pray that no matter what we go through, the good or bad, thick or thin, right or wrong, we will make it.. I want him to know I am that somebody that'll comfort him when he's crying and I'ma cry with his cry baby ass for letting me see him so hurt but I'll be happy because stuff like that will help us grow.. I think it's genuine when u have somebody to cry with because they know everything you've been through and they look at you the same and know how you feel. But I replied to his cute ass message and I wanted to say I love you this was the cutest thing ever but it would've been more adorable if you told this to me in person, I'd love to spend the week end with you he read it then said alright but before we make our plans official you should to see if you are gonna be busy I don't want you to be calling off work or anything like that I told him okay I gotta go, I'll talk to you later. I put my phone away because my teacher likes taking phones and send them to the main office then parents or guardians have to come get them so I just did my work and only took my phone out when I asked to be excused. Chemistry class went by fast, as usual, and the day was over with I went to my locker packed my stuff up then I told Dwayne I'll see him later he asked for a hung but there wasn't really nobody around though then I noticed he wasn't leaving so I asked him if he had swim class he said yes then asked if I has choir and u had completely forgot about it so put my stuff back in my locker then Dwayne told me to just take it all with me so I won't have to come back upstairs for it I laughed because I wasn't thinking and agreed with his suggestion then he asked me to come see him swim since choir is over before his swim class I didn't have work today and I know wasn't gonna be doing anything but homework when I got home so I watched him swim in the pool it was pretty boring until he started throwing this wet ass yellow ball at me I was so pissed for a minute because he hit me in my chest and it left a circle print on me he apologies then tried to give me a wet hug but pushed his ass back in the pool he fell back smooth as hell I started laughing then he tried to talk me into getting in the pool I said no I don't have any trunks he was you got gym shorts on though I'm like look at you, mr. know-it-all but no I don't wanna get in I can't swim I'll drown then he gon' say that'll be my que to save you I'm like you wanna see me partially die in this pool he's like no not at all I got you I won't let you drown. I still didn't get In the pool I chilled with him while he played in the water and when it was time to close the pool he washed the chlorine off then he got dressed then we left but I told him I had homework I'll see him tomorrow he tried getting me to come over his house to done work but he know damn well we wasn't just gonna do our homework He just wanna be under me but he needs to be just as focus as I am.. We can always lay up when we get right but what matters most is good grades I started laughing to myself because I realized I got a thing for bad boys but I grew up around screw ups so can't you blame me for actually liking one I've been friends with Dwayne for 2 years but I had been crushing in him way before I befriended him I used to think our friendship was something that just happened by chance.. As I got to know him better I realize we were nothing alike, we had nothing in common.. When I was younger I used to ask god if I can have a best-friend that was nothing like me because everybody else wasn't being themselves they were either trying be somebody on tv or somebody they envied and I thought that shit was so fucking stupid, looking at all these monkeys copy the ape it was just dumb to me, like wasn't none these niggas gonna be original when we all get older but anyway in my description this nigga was the perfect fit so I thought it was amazing how heaven sent he was.. I kinda took that thought and flew with it but I had to stop myself and land back to reality because I can let my imagination take off but I had no time to daydream so just came with him anyway but I wasn't gonna stay long, just do my homework and go home I texted my mom and let her know I'll be coming in late I'm over Dwayne's House doing my homework she texted back telling me to be home before dinner at 7:30pm i text back with alright then I told Dwayne I only have a hour and 30 minutes to work with you then I gotta be going he was like alright let's use the hour to work on our homework and the 30 minutes to chill I'm like chill? He's like yeah sure I'm like are you taking me home or am I walking by myself he was like how about we walk to the bus stop and wait for the next one to come I told him just track the next one he was like alright then we started on our homework when we were done he tracked the bus for me then we relaxed the last 30 minutes I damn near went to sleep but he kept me up playing and shit when we left out the bus wasn't on time but I didn't care.. When the bus came I gave him a hug then I told him I'll see him tomorrow he said okay then I got on the bus and went home when I made it home I called him to let him know I made it home safe then I told him I'm about to eat dinner so I had to let him go he wanted me to call him before I went to sleep I told him alright I'm gonna take a shower and lay it down he was like okay just call me when your done i said okay, took my shower, laid down and let the radio play while we talked for hours when I fell asleep I didn't know I went to sleep but he texted me that morning saying good morning I read it but I didn't reply because I had to get ready for school but i texted him back when I got to school and told him to not be late to first period and that he better be here then I put my oh my day was on repeat from there

To be continued...

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