Foxy's humming

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So I discussed about fritz by the way sorry about how dark it was but again fnaf always is anyways so I had an idea yesterday it might be dumb but I think I figured out why foxy always does that one tune during the games well I have to theories let me know which one you think is correct! By the way the second one is pretty dark

The first theory is that it's just a reminder to let us know he was once a child
the second theory is What if when William was going to stabby stab them what if he was humming that tune which then got engraved into fritz brain and now that's why he hums it to the night guard so they can regret what they did except the night guard isn't William

I told you it was dark sorry I'll try to figure out a happy theory but I wanted to say this one! Sorry it was dark tho

Fnaf lore my theories Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ