The real one that shouldnt have been killed

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I have a few theories for this one idea would be that going with my theory Micheal afton actually is the one that shouldn't have been killed because once he realized the truth he wanted to get revenge on his father

My second idea is that it is Henry because I'm thinking that maybe henry didn't actually you know.....anyways maybe he is helping Charlotte now secretly

My third idea is that it might be balloon boy because balloon boy is really the only animatronic with a limit of words

At first I did think it was Cassidy but then I realized they said he at one point when they were talking about it.....

Ultimate custom night is either William reliving his nightmares like everyone is saying or.... maybe it's Micheal afton having nightmares about when Evan dudes thinking Evan blamed him for his death.

Let me know what you all think....just please no mean comments or bullying each other thank you!

Fnaf lore my theories जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें