Chapter 11

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Daisy POV - The scream only worsened my sob, it was beginning to take my breath away. I was panicking. I had never felt that way before. Fear rushed through my entire body as I struggled to catch any breath. I was worried I was even louder than before when I screamed. Footsteps were pacing back and forth in the bathroom, I was ashamed of myself. I let him down.  An animal was all I was going to be to him, again. 

William POV - My shoes were slipping with every step I was taking when pacing the bathroom. I had eventually held back the tears and now I was just feeling angry. Not at 103, but myself. I shouldn't have put her in that position, where she felt like she was constantly in danger. in danger from me.  the sound of the clanking lift began echoing through the room. I needed to come up with a plan and I needed to do it quickly. If someone heard 103 screaming, they would be on their way down to check it out. she was in danger. from me. Not the danger she thinks she was in, but worse. 

After forming a short plan, that probably wasn't going to work very well but it was the best I could do, I ran back outside of the bathroom. my heart sank as I could see 103 on the floor struggling to breathe. God, what had I done to her. this was all my fault. She wouldn't be in this helpless state if it wasn't for me. I didn't have time to think of what I shouldn't have done, I just needed to keep her safe. I couldn't risk the other doctors finding her down here, I don't even know what they ould do. 

I edged closer to her and carefully wrapped my arm under her pale legs and the other arm behind her back. Her body tensed as I picked her up. I hated that. I hated the fact that she thought every time I went near her she thought I was going to hurt her. I would never dream of it. To calm her down I tried pulling her closer into me, almost like a hug, but not really. I did want to just hold her so tight in a cuddle but I didn't know if she would be ok with that so I couldn't. She still didn't calm down after pulling her closer. What was I going to do, she was panicking, really panicking. I carried her over to her area and placed her on the ground. Her sheet was draped over her bed as if she'd left it in a hurry. I placed it so that it hid the underneath of the bed. I got down on my knees to 103, I hazed into her astonishingly gorgeous eyes. My lips lay a soft kiss on her cold forehead, as I whispered,

''Get under the bed, it's safer, just, for now, don't worry, I'm going to keep you safe, always. I'm sorry.'' 

Carefully, not to move the sheet, she crawled under the bed and seemed to have calmed down. Meanwhile, we could both hear the lift as it got closer to this floor. 

The lift stopped. No more noise. I turned off the lights and went into the bathroom. i looked over toward 103's bed and I couldn't see a thing. Just darkness thankfully. Footsteps began approaching from the corridor where the lift was. I began to walk out of the bathroom to the corridor.

'' I thought this floor was no longer used?'' My 'coworker' looked at me in confusion whilst I kept on walking toward him.  

''Yeah me too, I just came down here to see what was here, I've never actually been down here before, have you?''

''I haven't, I'm pretty sure we aren't meant to do this, it's against the rules. Also, I'm sure I heard a scream coming from down here, that's why I came down?'' 

''I didn't hear anything, I was just on my way back upstairs.'' 

''Oh, um I guess I was just imagining something then, thinking of coming down here is creepy.''

'' is.'' I lied, down here was my favorite place, apart from now, no one ever came down here which meant it was always just 103 and I. That was all I ever wanted. I think. I'm not sure how I feel because ie never felt this way before. Every time I looked at her I would feel nervous, I was afraid of just having her in my presence. Not a bad nervous. It was good. Exhilarating. My chest started pounding each time she looked at me. That was rare. She found it hard to have eye contact with me, I probably make her feel awkward. 

Confusing her is all I have been doing, also confusing myself. First, I refer to her as an animal and now, what, m confessing my feelings for her? I have never been in love, is that what this could be? Even if it was, she would never feel the same way.


A/N - Hey guys, sorry that it's been a long wait, hopefully, it was worth it, I am going to try posting more often but it's just getting back into the swing of things. 

Also, did you realize that we have hit 500 reads!!!! how crazy is that!! I was beyond happy when I saw it and it made me want to keep posting. I can't thank you guys enough for reading especially if you're still here for chapter 11, I appreciate you the most. :)

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