Chapter 13

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Daisy's POV - it felt as though something was trying to force their way out of my head, like they using a tiny hammer against my skull to get out. I fell to my knees in tears. William had been listening whilst I was in the bathroom. In hindsight, I didn't realize how guilty I would feel, but I felt awful. I knew he would be ashamed of me and think I was weak. 

Tears covered my neck as I sat against Williams's table with my head on my knees. I have never cried so much since William took me in, but I felt happier. I was so confused, about everything. 

I heard William taking swift deep breaths which were unusual, usually, he was calm and collected. But I guess he had never been in this situation before either. He probably still felt awkward about the whole kiss thing then I went and made it worse when I was in the bathroom. I was for sure ruining his life. 

''Are you ok?'' I managed to compose myself to ask William how he was, I was getting worried he was never like that. 

''what?' He sounded shocked that I asked the question and his reply came out in a sort of high-pitched way that I had never heard before. It was cute, actually.  

I got to my feet and he was facing away from me, I stood tall and reached up to his shoulder to comfort him, it felt right. Easy. The stretch from my side to his shoulder took around one second but the butterflies were going crazy in my tummy on the way up. I rested my pale hand on his warm shoulder. He was wearing the softest grey t-shirt that smelt like perfume mixed with the smell of man, that was the best way I could've described it. Either way, the smell was perfect. 

He tensed up as I touched him, I felt his body flinch under my hand which made me feel stupid like he didn't want it there. Slowly I moved my hand back of his shoulder. Before I had a chance to take it fully off, his hand reached up and grabbed mine. We both stood for a minute thinking about the move he just made and how we had never touched like this before, it was different from the past hugs or slight touches, this one felt needed, and it wasn't just me who needed it. 

He moved my hand off of his shoulder carefully but making sure to keep it in his. He slowly turned around with my hand still in his. His was soft, perfect, I never wanted him to let go. I looked up to see his face but he wasn't looking at me. His face was wet as were his eyelashes. He was crying. I reached up to his face with my hand shaking the whole time, luckily my other hand was still in his so that one wants a problem. 

His perfect eyes looked down on me, he looked drained and his eyes were puffy. He blinked. Two more tears ran down his face.  His breathing was still heavy. my fingers brushed across his wet cheek catching the tear before it dropped. I tried my hardest to smile the best I could even though all I was thinking about was how I had made him cry. My mouth curved upwards at him, he could probably hear my heart beating. I sure could. 

I stood on my tiptoes which made me the same height as his chin. My breathing was shaky as I took a deep breath before placing my lips on his neck. 

Suddenly his arms were wrapped around me holding me tight, his chest hair was finding its way out of his t-shirt, my head was being tickled from his stubbly beard but I didn't mind. That moment was perfect. 

''please 103'' William spoke raspier than usual and quiet with his head resting on mine. I felt his Adam's apple move with every word he spoke. 

''please what'' I went to pull away assuming he wanted me to go. His arms released from around my body and I started to back away. That is what he wanted! But instead of letting me go, he grabbed my arms and wrapped them around him before putting his heavy arms back around me. 

I couldn't help but smile, I also let out a little giggle. 

'' Hey! what's funny'' William said softly in a playful tone. 

'' I don't know'' he could probably feel me smiling against his chest, I genuinely didn't know why I was laughing. I think I was just overwhelmed with happiness. I think for the first time I felt love. I felt like I was cared for and like I was needed. 

My smile left my face as I remembered him kissing me. Did he kiss me because he wanted to or did he just want me to shut up? 

''can I ask you a question'' my voice grew shaky as my body was filled with nerves. 

''You can ask me a question whenever you want, whatever it may be, please don't ask me for permission again.''

''the other day...-''

''you mean when I kissed you?''


''I knew it would be about that, I'm sorry. I knew you wouldn't want me to I jus-''

''What? no, the kiss. I loved the kiss. it was the first time someone has ever shown me affection, I just want to know. Did you mean it? Why me? Did you just do it so I was quiet and did what you wanted?''

He was hurt by my questions. which was a good thing I think because it means my assumptions were wrong. Hopefully anyway. He walked away. My heart sank and I sat back down against the wall waiting for him to come back. 

''Close your eyes 103'' He sounded nervous. 

I closed my eyes and I heard his footsteps approaching. 

''you better keep them closed''

I did what he asked as a smile worked its way back onto my face. A draft brushed against my legs as I heard a slight bang on the floor. 

''may you please allow me to have the privilege of holding your hands again 103, but don't open your eyes yet''

I put my hands in the air ready for William to touch them. His hands glided into mine as they fitted perfectly together. 

'im just going to lift you don't be worried, I will keep a hold of you, I promise.'' 

He kept his promise. I was lifted and put onto something. It was hard but not solid. like a book under my feet or something.

William exhaled shakenly. My breaths got faster as I felt the heat of his breath coming closer to my face. Before I knew it his lips were on mine.

Warth covered my bottom lip as his lips worked their way around it. They were soft, not too wet, and not too dry, they were perfect. He was kissing me. I was actually kissing him. He placed my hands around his neck then he wrapped his around my waist to keep me sturdy. He held me so close while he was kissing me. He made me feel so much love and care. After a few seconds, his lips were around my top lip and I felt him smile, which made me smile. My face started burning. Happiness was all I felt. His lips left mine but stayed close. 

''You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do that 103. Don't you ever think that I am doing something that isn't out of love and care that I have for you! I am stupidly, crazily, and definitely in love with you 103. If you don't feel the same way I don't care, I just needed you to know how I felt it has been crushing me ever since I saw you. Hearing you in the bathroom, being sick, it broke my heart, I just wanted to know if my favourite person was ok, then seeing you cry afterwards! you really don't know how you make me feel do you 103. I love you, and I always will. I promise, and a promise is something I will never break. Not with you'' 


A/N - hey guys sorry that its been a while, really enjoyed writing this chapter. I'm not feeling too confident about it though so i hope it delivers well and i hope you all enjoy. Thank you all so much for creating and make sure to vote and comment it really helps :)

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