Chapter 5

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I let out a powerful scream as the doctor dragged me to the door. His hand so tightly around my pale arm was almost white. We weren't meant to scream but I knew whatever was coming to me probably couldn't get much worse anyway.

He looked upset. Not so much angry anymore, just upset. He had my arm in his hand whilst dragging me along, luckily I could still walk, although his walk was more like a run.

I watched him the whole way to try and answer my confusion as to why he was so upset with me. There is no way he saw me looking at the sheet, I timed it perfectly.

His eyes kept closing as he took deep breaths. Every time he did that I would feel his hand tighten around my arm. What was wrong with him? He had some crazy issues. I wanted to ask him, but I knew I couldn't.

He had already dragged me for what felt like a lifetime and we still hadn't reached wherever he was taking me. We got to a lift, he let go of me to press a button. All of the near running had really strained my legs, i wasn't used to moving them that much.

I fell straight down. My head hit the floor. I Had knocked myself out. It was his fault. I hated him.


I headed toward the lift, I could feel her body getting heavier and more dependent on mine. I still didn't feel pity for her. I never will. I promised myself I wouldn't.

When we arrived at the tiny lift, I let go of 103 to press -2. The floor where no one goes, the floor that is out of bounds to anyone. I'd been down there before, so i knew it wasn't too bad.

Besides, it meant I could have her to myself without any interference, I could finally treat her the way I wanted to.

I put her down on the colder floor than she was used to. She gasped whilst shuffling herself further away from me. My heart hurt the further she went.

This floor was different from the rest. It was emptier, it had warmer lighting rather than bright white. The walls were all painted white and all that were down there were a few beds that weren't used anymore. Perfect.

I lifted her icy body and took it to a bed. She was surprised by the gesture, so was I. I could feel her body whimpering as I walked, I could feel a lump forming in my throat, I did this to her.

Before I came down here I locked the only room that was on the floor so that no one could come in. I could finally treat her like a human instead of putting on a false visard.

I knew what it was like for her. I'd been there. In the camp. I was a patient. I was number 6. One day, I decided to try and escape with a friend from another bunker. I wasn't even supposed to know him in the first place. The guards caught me just as I got to his bunker, and they took me to the same room where patient 103 had been staying.

So, yeah, I knew how she felt, although she wasn't going to be taken in as a doctor, she was going back out there to be treated like a pet. I had to change that, I knew how bad it was to be treated like that.

Then it dawned on me, I'd been treating her like that. I had to. It was forbidden to ever treat the patients like actual people, which i was taught when they took me through my 'doctor training' which was in no way professional.

I looked over at her almost lifeless body as she sobbed. She lay in the exact same position I had put her down in. Probably scared to move. I clenched my fists out of anger toward myself, digging my unkempt nails into my hands.

She caught on to what i were doing with startled her. I seriously hope she didn't think that I was going to hurt her. I would never.

I had to shut the curtains in the patient room tht 103 had been staying in so that none of the other doctors would know that she was gone, I had to keep her hidden.

It was 7pm and I knew that all she had eaten was that so-called meal I gave her earlier today, the meal I dropped right in front of her eyes knowing she couldn't get it. I was a monster. What was wrong with me?

Staff usually ate at 7:30pm, I usually skipped that meal and went home, which was still in the institute, just a private room. Even the 'doctors' had to sleep in a box.

At 7:25pm that day I made my way to the first floor for my evening meal. There were two tables of food, one was only 7ft long which was for the patients that only ever had mash, beans and veg, the other was 20ft long for all of the doctors. It had a much wider range of food.

I grabbed the headed plate and made my way over to the table. First was meat, I filled half the plate with chicken, beef and ham. Next was vegetables, for this I only filled another sixth of the plate with 3 sixths already filled, I added broccoli and carrots. Next were carbs, filling another sixth, steamed and slow roasted potatoes filled that sixth, lastly, i added a slice of cake, the cake was chocolate, never my favourite. It had chocolate sprinkles on top with layers of chocolate spread in the middle along with a few maltesers on top. My plate was full. I grabbed a jug of gravy, a knife and fork, some water, and made my way back down to -2.

Before i entered the room i could hear 103, she kept repeating,

''Why? Why me? Why aren't I normal? Please, God just tell me WHY?'' She screamed through her exaggerated sobs.

I took in a deep breath and walked in. She looked directly at me then straight back to looking down. She was embarrassed.

I hurried over to her not wanting the food to get cold and laid it down on the bed. At first she was confused, she thought it was for me.

Across the room was a small folded table, I walked over and took it back to her bed. Placing the food, gravy, knife and fork and water on it.

''This is for you.'' I mumbled almost scared of what her reaction was going to be.

I could be without food for now if it meant she was content. 


A/N: - Thanks everyone for reading again !! It means the world as always!!

Let me know you thoughts on this chapter as it's different to previous ones. 

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Thank you all so much !!

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