Chapter 4

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I was getting less fond of the Dr by the second. I had been there for 48 hours. The last time the dr spoke to me, he told me i had to stay in this box for a week. I didn't understand why.

The two days I've slept here, I've had better sleep than ever, but I wanted more than anything to be with Sev and get lost in the night sky. His presence made it impossible for me to be comfortable. Everyday at 6pm, he'd go out onto the camp and do his daily check, that was when I'd decided I was going to look at the sign in sheet.

I made sure that on the first day I was stuck here, I counted the minutes and seconds in which he was out checking. All of the people who work at the camp take part in the daily checks, and there are only 100 bunkers with 2 patients in each, which meant most of the workers only had to check on 1 bunker, the odd few had to check 2, but even then, they could do that very quickly.

I knew that the Dr had bunker 14 which was mine, and my bunker is close, very close. I was actually surprised when the guards brought me in here because it took them ages. But the weather was bad that day.

I missed the sound of the rain stealing my thoughts, I missed the small glimpse of sun I could see every morning when it would rise, mostly I missed Sev. I hoped she was OK. She was all alone, people are never alone here because of what number 6 did that night.

It was the second day and I knew that it took Dr precisely 3 minutes and 56 seconds to do his 6pm check. He would get back just before 6:04pm. I watched the clock that full day waiting for my chance to check the sheet. For the other daily checks, only limited doctors went out as it wasn't necessary for all of them, but this being the last check of the day, every Dr was required to go out and make sure all of the patients were inside of their bunkers.

I had been fed that morning. Not much. But it was food at the end of the day. The Dr came into my box with mashed potato, beans and peas, along with some water.

Although I hated the taste of peas, the texture of mashed potato and the disgusting way a kidney bean would split in my mouth, I still ate that food as fast as I could, I needed the energy. That day i needed it most, i needed to see what was on that sheet and if it were really just a sign in sheet.

Dr. William POV

I watched her closely that whole day. Observing the clock, rocking backwards and forwards. She really did need to be here, she was crazy. Who in the right mind sits and rocks back and forth, especially someone who has a little of a life as she did with nothing to think about.

It was 11am. 'Feeding time'. I reluctantly went to the canteen and got her prison like food. It's not as if she deserved anything better.

When I got back to her solitary room, she looked tired. Not tired as in lacking sleep, but like she had just been doing ten laps of a running course.

The sweat was dripping down her pale skin whilst making her white gown almost see through. But it didn't smell, she still smelled clean. Which Was weird because I haven't met anyone on this island who smells like that, just her.

I walked into the room after observing her from outside of the metal door with the tiny window. I could feel her body becoming more tense as I walked closer to her. I don't blame her. Who wouldn't be scared of me.

I dropped the pathetic excuse of a meal at the side of the bed, on the floor. I knew fine well that she'd have to get off the bed to get it, which is why I did it. I enjoyed watching her struggle, it was amusing.

Her boney hands reached down to get it, but she couldn't reach it. She looked up at me as if she was trying to make me feel bad for her. Huh, as if that was ever likely.

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