Chapter 7

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WHAT? NO WAY? SURELY NOT. In Front of me was a white plate filled with food I forgot even existed. Some of the food I had never even seen before that day.

Perfectly sliced beef, ham and chicken. There was alluring green broccoli and vibrant carrots, Next to those were round pieces of food i could only assume we're potatoes, but they looked tasty, lastly was a triangle piece of food that looked crumbly, it glistened as the lights shone on it, it was covered in tiny brown shavings mixed in with a small amount of white, this couldn't have been for me, there was no chance.

''This is for you'' His raspy voice filled my insides with emotions i could barely describe as i looked down at the plate of heaven that i was given.

This man was not the same man I had met 2 days prior. How can someone change so drastically in such a short space of time.

It was an actual meal, I glanced over at him to ask for reassurance to know it was actually for me.

''I can't accept this'' I spoke holding back the lump in my throat.

''Sure you can and you're going to. Eat'' He demanded whilst looking down at his twiddling thumbs.

''What will you have if i eat your meal?'' I scarcely asked for making too much conversation.

''Don't mind me, your food is getting cold''

He said that last sentence was different from the rest, like he was fighting the tears too, not just my sensitive emotions. After he demanded I eat the food, he got up and sat in the dark corner at the end of the room, the only place I couldn't see him.

He did that quite regularly, he was with me almost all day every day, but always sat in a place where he could only see me, I couldn't see him, I wondered what he had over there and what kept him occupied for multiple hours of the day, it baffled me.

I began eating, the food was not yet cold and still had a perfect taste. I had barely finished half of the plate before I was already feeling full, I cannot remember ever being given so much food, this was the first time.

I felt guilty, though I did need it more than his muscular, filled out body, I couldn't eat it without feeling the slightest bit of hatred toward myself for accepting it.

I still didn't understand why he had me hid away down here, what was so bad about staying where we were, it was a lot less creepy and at least there were other doctors there in case Dr williams ever hurt me or scared me enough to want a different one.

It was only five more days, that's all i had to do, wait just five more days. It wasn't too bad, especially if I kept getting plates of delight every day. Which i knew wasn't likely.

I ended up eating two thirds of the meal, leaving the weird brown thing on the side. It looked too wet and as if I would've choked on the tiny shaving sprinkled all around it. It also smelt like something I'd never smelt before which was very weird.


I watched her as she ate the place full of delicious food that felt my insides with jealousy, she did need it more than me, i really didn't need it to much i'd been having those meals 3 times a day for about a year and she'd probably never even had a plate full of food that big.

As she was eating I sat in my corner of the room, she didn't know why I came over here and I wanted to keep it that way, she didn't need to know, it wasn't important. Sat here, i could perfectly see her and everything surrounding her, i could keep a close eye on her without her knowing or without me making it obvious.

Her bed sat in between the two walls distanced 10 metres apart, it had all white bedding with a tiny white pillow which was almost pointless. Next to her bed was the small table I had taken over for her and a small bedside table that I had found down here at the other side. Both were wooden but painted white. There was a light directly above her bed making her in the spotlight for the full day illuminating her auburn locks and ocean eyes. Those hypnotising ocean eyes.


I had to know what was over there, why did he like being over there so much and why couldn't I see it for what it was. I could look whilst he is getting his dinner again tonight but I couldn't risk being seen. He wasn't too bad last time he caught me doing something he told me not to do which meant this time he probably would be. But I couldn't help but wonder what might be there and why it was always dark.

I was going to look one way or another and my thoughts couldn't imagine everything. I had to see for myself. If i did it during dinner i knew he'd be gone for over ten minutes, but what if he came back with dinner for me, again, my guilt would engulf my entire body. I guess he hasn't exactly told me not to go over there but i guess it was dark for a reason in which he didn't want me seeing it.

I had to look.

I hate to do it, but I had to and I was going to. Tonight at 7:30 when he goes to get his dinner. I was looking then, it's not as if it was going to take long, just a quick look was all I needed, my imagination could do the rest. I came to the conclusion that the dinner was a one time thing because he wasn't hungry, no way did he actually care about me.

He left to get dinner 3 minutes ago and hasten yet came back which meant he was going to be gone until he had gotten it, he didn't forget anything white meant there was no chance he was going to come back before 7:40.

I hated the dark. I mean HATED it. So going over there was the worst experience i could imagine, surely there was a light somewhere. Or else, how could he even see?

I didn't tip-toe this time, that was an utter waste of precious time the last time I had tried to do something like this, which was only like not too much prior to that.

I walked further into the darkness being slowly abducted by the evil lurking within. I can do this. I can do this. I took a deep breath and continued walking, at that point I was less scared of the doctor and more scared of the dark, I swear it was a phobia. Finally I got close to the corner where he spent all of his time, I walked closer until I could finally see what he could see when he sat here.

WHAT THE HELL? I couldn't believe my eyes. 


A/N - Hiiiii guys, thanks so much for reading!! I enjoyed writing this chapter more than the others, i'm not sure why, maybe its because i actually knew where is was going with it. 

Thanks so much for reading all the way to here, I'll have the next chapter up as soon as possible,  i have to actually write it first...oops. 

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Thanks you all soooo much!!!!

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