Chapter 10

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His eyes closed, tight. Very tight as I looked up at him from the ground. I could barely see passed the buildup of tears but it was clear he had gone. My sobs made their escape from inside as I screamed. I couldn't hold them in any longer, I couldn't breathe. My ears rang as my scream echoed all around the room piercing my brain. I took my hands straight up to my head and held it as if it was going to explode. I had made my biggest mistake. It was impossible not to hear my pain-filled scream.

Dr. Williams POV

    Her eyes were fixed on my person every second, catching my every move. The way her eyes would follow me with every step or position change I made was frightening, even for me. I knew she couldn't do anything to me that i couldn't deal with, but for some reason, i was intimidated. Why was the animal intimidating me? No. That wasn't me anymore, she isn't just an animal she was a better person than i was and i knew that she always, always, would be even if she was just a patient, i had been one too. It was silent, constantly. I heard every shaken breath that she took and every deep, fulfilled sigh when she realised I hadn't looked at her in a while, that was very frustrating. I wasn't angry. I wasn't upset. I was utterly embarrassed of myself. All I could think of was what patient 103 would think of me. She must've thought i was so stupid and lonely. I couldn't even speak to her, it was too awkward. She knew exactly how i felt, and the worst part was that what i wrote wasn't even half of how i felt about her. I needed to get away, think for myself, without her intimidating presence. I went to take a shower, well a shower. I would pretend I was showering whilst I sat in the uncomfortably hot bathroom thinking about everything. I would usually have a shower a day anyway, but on the days where I took two, it was only ever to sit and think.

I sat on the wet floor in the bathroom after pathetically wetting my hair in the sink to make it look like I actually showered, thinking about what to say to her, thinking about a way to make it better. I wish I had known how. I had never experienced any of those feelings for anyone before, ever and i was, i guess even though i hated to admit it, a shy person anyway. I mean I never realised how shy I was until I met her. It was like she stole my mind so i couldn't think of anything when i was around her.

Quiet footsteps began approaching the bathroom and my area as I sat with my back on the icy door. I couldn't exactly go out and see what it was or if i was imagining it because it would've made it obvious that i wasn't showering, i just listened at first. The closer the footsteps kept getting caused my breath to disappear. Why was she so intimidating to me? I mean it had to be her, who else could it have been, and if it was someone else wouldn't they have freaked out about 103 being there. I knew it was her.  It had to be. I stood up, slowly. The shower was already off and it was just the annoying music left playing now. I made my way over to the radio and turned it off. I realised that the footsteps had stopped which did calm me down a little bit. Maybe she had gone back over to her area. Or maybe I was just imagining it and she wasn't even coming any closer. Ugh, she had me so confused. I slowly began unlocking the door with my heart beating unusually fast. The door opened and there she was, sitting, crying helplessly on the floor. All i wanted to do was go over there and hold her tighter than ever, but i knew that she has most likely read my most recent page in my diary, and that was more embarrassing than the first, i couldn't bare it. Tears began to form in my eyes which made it so much worse, so much more embarrassing. I ran back to the bathroom to try and hide how upset I was. I had just gotten rid of the tears when I heard her pain-filled scream. She shouldn't have done that. I really wished that she hadn't done that.


A/N - Hi guys! Sorry about posting part of the last chapter I didn't realise I had even posted it oops, so it's a bit short now but I will upload the next chapter as soon as possible

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