Chapter 2

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I could feel an immense burning sensation deepening within my eyes, a feeling I had never experienced. My skin was freezing cold yet I felt as if I was on fire everywhere else. I had no idea what was happening.

The last thing I remember was being rushed through the doors to an isolation room. Sev had told me about these, she said her bunk mate before me had been kept in one. She also said that her bunk mate never came back out. I had never been so scared.

I was only wearing my long white t-shirt that hung on me like a baggy dress from being too skinny. It made me look skeletal and it never kept me warm. My skin had gone unrecognisably pale, my beautiful auburn hair that was once long enough to feel it at the bottom of my back had been dreadfully cut to shoulder length, I was a mess. I don't know how it was possible but i felt even worse than i looked.

I was still unsure why I was there, and even more confused as to why I was different to everyone else, was there something wrong with me? I didn't know what to think, the whole thing was becoming too overwhelming. I could feel my body getting weaker by the second.

My insides were churning, heart beating weirdly slow and my breaths were short. My whole body was shaking, vigorously. I sat in the corner of the bright, bitter room, waiting for someone to come and save me. As if that would ever happen. There was no chance of that.

All of a sudden my body was aching all over. i had felt this feeling before, but it was never like this. I would only ever feel this feeling in one place, in a place where the doctors had given my injections or taken blood which was usually in my arm. But this day it felt as if I had been given one hundred injections on every part of my acute body.

Eventually, the light started to dim, my memory began to come back to me and my skin began looking some-what normal again. I took a look around the room that I could see clearly for the first time. It had all white walls, which i thought it did anyway, a grey, solid floor that looked perfectly clean, an actual bed which shocked me and an immense mirror the size of the wall.

That's when i saw myself, for the first time since i came here i was looking at myself. My eyes were dark, almost scary. My hair was actually freshly cleaned which they must've done when they brought me in here. I had always loved my hair. It was the last thing I had that made me like myself, but they cut it to a ludicrous length that somehow made me look even skinnier. My body was horrendously under-fed and I looked completely awful.  My eyes used to be an ocean blue colour, but in the 4 years that I'd been here, they had gone completely grey.

In the distance I could hear voices, lots of them. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying but they sounded alarmed to have a patient in the hospital. One of the voices sounded familiar, weirdly familiar. It was as if I heard it as much as I heard Sev's voice. But it wasn't her, i could tell it was a man.

I took another look around the room trying to get my bearings as much as possible in case i had missed anything, next to the sizable metal door was a white clock, the same clock from my bunker, underneath the clock was a piece of paper. I forced my frail body up the wall to try and take a look, the room was tiny, it's not as if I had far to go. But I just couldn't.

Every time I tried to move my body my legs would stop working. I tried one last time to get myself up but it was hopeless. I could feel my body falling in slow motion as if it were a dream. I knew it wasn't a dream. I fell to the floor, hitting my head off of one of the standing lights. Everything was black.

''103, I am here to help with the wound you obtained when you were trying to look at the sign in sheet five minutes ago.''

I knew that voice, everything was blurred and my hearing was faint but I knew for sure that the voice was familiar. I listened in a strangely soothing voice and kept talking.

''Can you hear me, are you OK? Answer me 103, does your head hurt? Tell me where it hurts''

It was him, I knew it was him. Even though my vision was totally blurred I could still see most of his near 7ft body. With every sentence he spoke, my vision and hearing was coming back to me. It was as if he were healing me.  But that's impossible, right? 

Eventually my vision cleared, and I was just staring at the man in front of me. He was wearing a white doctor gown with a light blue shirt coming out of the collar.  A silver stethoscope was hanging around his muscular neck. A loose fitting cap on his head that all doctors wore for surgery. But he was different. He was too loose, his mousy brown hair once again fell upon his cheek which was clean shaved. I was never a fan of his clean shaves. I always preferred facial hair, but it did kinda suit him I suppose.

''103, can you hear me?!!!''

He basically screamed in my ear, which scared me a lot, never have I seen him be like that before. Usually he would just pop his head in the door of the bunker, check Sev and I were still there, and then leave. I didn't like this new tone, it was ugly, even for him.

''Yes, Dr.'' I innocently replied.

The look on his face seemed to relax as I spoke, but not because he cared that I was actually responsive. It was because I know that if a  patient dies in your care you are immediately sent away from the island. I didn't really care that he didn't care, it's not like i was in love with him or anything. even if i was, nothing could happen, i just think he's pretty thats all.

''I'm going to need you to  stand up for me''

Oh no. The reason i'm in this state is because i tried to stand up but i wasn't strong enough to do it and nothing has changed since then so surely i still can't.

''I cant Dr''

I would've told him why, but it was a rule to keep talking to a minimum between yourself and anyone else. I know, however, that i shouldn't have said i can't, the look on his face immediately changed from relaxed to angered. For the first time I was actually scared he was going to do something to me for not 'following the rules''.

My breathing hurried as I watched his anger build up through his body. His hands began to shake, his jaw clenching. I didn't know what he was going to do to me but i knew it wasn't going to be good. He took a big breath in. Slowly he raised his hand whilst staring directly at it. I shut my eyes out of fear, everything was black.


A/N: - Hey guys, thanks for reading chapter 2, i'm going to keep trying to post daily for the first few chapters so stay tuned for that!!

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Thanks so much for reading chapter 2!! Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow!

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