Chapter 23

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Real short, but I couldn't wait anymore. xo

"Reggie can you just not!" Luke groaned. Julie rolled her eyes, but she felt the same way.

"Reg, can you just give us a minute?" Julie asked. Reggie looked between the two, and nodded.

"Okay, Jules, I need to tell you-"

"JULIE! Something has happened and we need to talk!" Alex yelled as he came around the corner and saw her standing beside Luke and Reggie.


And wouldn't you know it. Something interrupted him again.

Julie's lips.

Or at least that's what Luke assumed it was. His mind stopped functioning properly once her lips touched his.

Alex and Reggie decided it could wait and left the pair alone.

Julie looked up at Luke. "I hope that was okay." She said shyly.

"Wow." Luke tried to think of something smooth to say. Nothing. He tried for flirty. Nothing. Really he tried for any word in the English language. But nope. All he could think of was wow.

Julie smiled.

Luke shook his head – which made Julie panic. "Sorry, my brain is going a little foggy. Can you remind me what was okay?" A slight smirk was playing on his lips. Nailed it – smooth and flirty. Julie slapped his chest lightly, but then he held her hand where it had connected with him. Before waiting for anyone to jinx it again, they leaned in and kissed. Soft, but conveying the love they felt for each other.

"So... we've had two failed dates... third time's the charm?"

"Are you asking me out Lulu?"

Luke pouted. "No. I, Luke, am asking you out, there is no Lulu!"

"Oh come on Lulu."


"Are you sure?"


"Nothing I can do to convince you?"


"Hmm... okay then." Julie grabbed him by the shirt and gave him a passionate kiss. "How about now Lulu?"

"... fine. You can call me whatever you want." Whipped.

"CHIMP!" Reggie yelled... so Alex and Reggie hadn't completely left them alone.

Everyone turned at Reggie's strange outburst.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Reg, what does that means?" Alex asked him with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, Sam," Reggie said while blushing. Alex had nearly forgotten Reggie's obvious crush that he worked with.  "You know, from the shelter told me about it. It's when a guy will pretty much do whatever the girl he likes asks. So Luke is a chimp. See Alex, you're not the only one who knows the new words." Reggie proudly announced.

Alex and Luke looked at Julie for confirmation. Julie shrugged. "He's close enough." Alex nodded. He liked learning the new words. And this way, he would make sure he wasn't a chimp when it came to Jax, or Willie, if he ever came back.

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