Chapter 1

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Nina Rosalie Cullen was in her bedroom of her house. Her family hated her except Rosalie and Emmett Cullen. She was also the imprint to Jacob Black. Jacob pack and his old pack loved Nina. They felt sorry for her. She has to go through pain and hatred from her family. Her own parents. And her twin sister. Her Grandfather Charlie has never met her due to Edward and Bella not wanting him to meet a monster. Rosalie and Emmett walked inside Nina room to see her asleep. The family had just left to go hunting. Emmett sped around her room and packed everything. Rosalie went to where Nina laid. "Nina. Sweetheart wake up" Rosalie said. Nina woke up. "What" Nina said. "I know how much pain this place causes you so that's why I contacted your aunt and her brother in law Elijah is outside waiting to take you to her." Rosalie said. Nina felt happy. She nodded and walked outside to see her stuff in the car. She gave Rosalie and Emmett a goodbye hug. She then chanted a spell. A spell that Jacob her imprint wouldn't die due to them being separated. "I love you guys bye" Nina said. Emmett and Rosalie waves goodbye and watched as the car drove away. "So your basically my uncle" Nina asked. Elijah looked at her and smiled. "I am. Don't worry your aunt is nothing like your mother. She has a daughter herself. Your how old" Elijah asked." I am 9 years old. I don't grow fast like Renesmee so the family hates me because of that except Rosalie and Emmett" Nina said. Elijah felt bad for the girl." well your aunts daughter is 9 her name is Hope" Elijah said. Nina smiled.
~Time Skip~
Soon they arrived in New Orleans. Then they arrived at the mansion. Elijah got Nina stuff and walked with Nina inside the house. Nina was nervous. She saw people inside the house. They turned to look at her. "Hi I'm Nina" Nina said. One of the women smiled and walked up and kneeled in front of her. "Hi Nina I'm your aunt Ariana" The lady said. Nina smiled. "Your Bella older sister" Nina said. "Yes I am her sister. Don't worry I am nothing like her." Ariana said. Nina smiled. "Why don't you tell her what we decided to do" one of the men said. "Well Nina if it is alright with you me and my husband would like to adopt you and take you in as our daughter" Ariana said. Nina eyes widened. She smiled and nodded. "Yes" Nina said. Ariana smiled and hugged her niece/daughter. "Welcome to the family. You are officially a Mikaelson" one of the men said. Nina smiled. She saw a girl her age. "Hi I'm Hope your sister" The girl said. Nina smiled. They helped Nina settle in and move in with Hope. Hope was not Renesmee and loved Nina. A couple hours Nina called Ariana and Klaus mom and dad. This was the family Nina has been wanting.

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