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                           |Jacob and Nina|
Jacob decided to propose to Nina at Ariana and Klaus anniversary. Well because Ariana and Klaus said he could. "Well Ariana I thank you for being my wife, the mother and my children, and the love of my life" Klaus said kissing Ariana cheek making her blush. Nina giggled. "Even after all these years he still makes her blush" Nina said to Hope. Hope nodding. Jacob stood up with Nina. Nina looked at him with a confused face. Jacob walked to the center of the room where Klaus and Ariana were standing. Klaus gave the microphone to Jacob. "Congratulations Ariana and Klaus. I want to say something to the prettiest girl. Nina" Jacob said turning to her. Nina looked at him." Nina ever since we met I have felt nothing but love for you. When you came back with your mother I was happy because I saw you again. The last two years have been nothing but happy for me. You make me happy. I  just want to say I love you" Jacob said to Nina who had tears streaming down her face. Everyone awed. Then Jacob got down on one knee. Nina gasped." Nina Rosalie Mikaelson you are the love of my life. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone but you. I want you to be the mother if my children and my wife. So with that being said... Nina will you marry me" Jacob asked pulling the ring out. Nina put her hand over her mouth. Hope was on the edge of her seat. Nina smiled." yes" Nina yelled. Everyone cheered. Jacob stood up and put the ring on Nina hand. Nina smiled and kissed Jacob. Jacob kissed her back. Hope ran to her sister and hugged her. The pack congratulated their pack mate. Nina smiled at Jacob and mouthed 'I love you' Jacob mouthed it back to his fiance.

                           |Embry and Hope|
Embry asked Nina for help. They had set up a surprise party for Hope. It was her birthday. "You ready" Nina asked. Embry nodded. "Nervous" Embry said. "Believe me I was too" Jacob said as he walked by Nina carrying boxes. Nina smiled at him. "She's here" Ariana said. They all went into their hiding places. Hope opened the door. And the lights came on. "Surprise Happy birthday" Everyone yelled. Hope was shocked. "Aww thank you" Hope said. "Embry planned the whole thing" Nina said. "Really" Hope said. Embry nodded. "I also have a surprise for you" Embry said. Hope got confused. Then Embry got down on one knee. Hope gasped. "Hope Andrea Mikaelson you have made me the happiest I have ever been. The last two years have been nothing but magical for me and for you. Your my best friend, my soulmate, my girlfriend and now I want to add wife to the list" Embry said. Hope had tears on her face. "So let's make it official... Hope will you marry me" Embry asked. Hope was in shock. What felt like years was actually seconds Nina yelled "say yes girl". Everyone laughed. "Yes I will" Hope said. Embry smiled and put the ring on Hopes finger and kissed her. Nina jumped with joynand hugged her sister and future brother in law. "Do you know what this means" Ariana asked her daughters. Hope and Nina nodded. "Double wedding" Both girls yelled. Jacob and Embry laughed. "That way because you guys are best friends why not get married on the same day" Nina said. The boys nodded and hugged their imprints.

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