Asking For Permission

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~a couple years later~
                          |Jacob and Nina|
It's been a few years since the battle against The Voltouri. Ariana and Klaus Mikaelson live in LA Push Washington. Jacob and Nina started dating when Nina turned 16. They have been dating for 2 years now. Jacob had always wanted to be there for his imprint. He wanted her to be his forever. So while at a party at The Mikaelson mansion in Washington Jacob decided to ask Klaus and Ariana the question he has been waiting to ask. "Hey Klaus Ari can I talk to you guys in private" Jacob asked. "Yes Jacob of course." Ariana said. They walked outside to talk. "What did you want to talk about Jacob" Klaus asked. Jacob got nervous. "Before I ask you what I want to let me just day something. I love Nina ever since I met her when she was a baby and I imprinted on her. Over these past two years since me and Nina started dating I have done nothing but love her. She makes me happy. I always thought Bella was the one for me but I was wrong. Nina is the love of my life" Jacob said smiling looking at Nina who was talking with Sam, Emily, Hope, Embry, and Rachel. "Jacob what are you trying to say" Ariana asked hoping she was hearing what he was asking. "I was wondering if I could have your guys blessing to.... Marry you daughter" Jacob asked. Ariana gasped and smiled. She looked at Klaus who had a serious look. Jacob got nervous. If Klaus said no that would destroy him. But Klaus serious look turned into a smile and happy look. "Of course you can" Klaus said. "You make Nina happy" Ariana said. "We give you our blessing" Ariana and Klaus said. Jacob smiled. "Thank you" Jacob said. Ariana hugged Jacob. Klaus shook Jacob hand. They all walks inside the house. "What were you talking to my parents about" Nina asked. "Don't worry about it. It's all good" Jacob said. Nina smiled and nodded and went back to her conversation.

                          |Embry and Hope|
Embry was inside The Mikaelson Mansion. Hope was out with Nina, Rachel, Kim and Emily shopping. Klaus and Ariana walked inside the living room. "So Embry what did you you want to talk about with us." Ariana asked. "Well um I don't really know how to say this but here goes nothing" Embry said taking a deep breath in. "I love Hope with all my heart. I never thought that one day I would never find my imprint. Then I met Hope when she was a little girl. I never felt my world revolve around anyone until I met her. When I first imprinted on her I vowed to protect her and love her forever until I die. I vowed that when she got older not only would she be my imprint, my best friend, but my wife. So I was wondering if it is okay with you if I could have your blessing to marry your daughter" Embry asked. Ariana had tears in her eyes. "Oh Embry that was beautiful" Ariana said. Embry smiled. "So does that mean I can marry Hope" Embry asked nervously. Ariana nodded and hugged him. Klaus on the other hand was looking at Embry with a serious face. "Klaus honey what do you think" Ariana asked. Klaus face turned into a happy looking face. "Of course Embry. You can marry my daughter" Klaus said. Embry smiled. Klaus shook Embry hand and Ariana hugged him again. Soon the twins came back from shopping. "What did you girls get" Ariana asked. "Just clothes and stuff. And we got presents for you and dad" Nina said. Hope and Nina gave Klaus some colone and Ariana perfume. "Thank you girls" Klaus and Ariana said. "Your welcome" the girls said back. Embry smiled at his soon to be fiance. All he had to do was get a ring.

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