8. The library

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The excitement of her new relationship status was still present even after several days had passed

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The excitement of her new relationship status was still present even after several days had passed. She felt like she was in an alternate reality. She was living a new life. Nothing like this ever happened in her old life. People didn't even notice the old Rhea. She felt like an entirely new person. She was the happiest she'd ever been. She saw the beauty in everything and felt that this world was truly a wonderful place.

Her mom was noticing a sort of change in her. She saw her mom's eyes following her around as she did her chores. Also, her mom was starting to check in more. She was always asking if Rhea was feeling ok or if she needed anything.

Living with a single mother has its advantages. For example, Rhea only had to report to one parent. In fact, her mom always felt like a friend, rather than a parent. It was just the two of them and they didn't have many rules. They ate dinner whenever they wanted, washed the dishes whenever they wanted and slept whenever they wanted. There was no one else around to order them around. Rhea liked it this way and really appreciated the fact that her mom was so open with her.

Deep down Rhea felt guilty about lying to her mom. She wished she could tell her all the new and exciting things that was happening in her life. She wanted to tell her about Adam and how incredibly it felt to be called his girlfriend. She wanted to relay the feelings she got when she heard his voice or to have her mom recount some of her own experiences as a teenager.

But she knew she could never talk about this stuff with her mon. The disappointment that her mom would feel would be too much for Rhea to handle. She knew where her mom stood regarding boyfriends and she knew her mother would never relent. She felt guilty every time she finished speaking to Adam and then had to face her mom, lying outright. Rhea didn't see any other way. It had to be this way if she wanted Adam in her life.

"We need to see each other," Adam told her during one of their nightly conversations.

"How?" She asked.

She didn't see how it was possible. They lived far apart and went to separate schools. Her mother would never let her go anywhere alone with him. Her mother didn't even know he existed!

"We need some kind of plan," he said.

"Like what?"

"How about I see you after school one day?"

"How are you going to do that? Will you come to my school?"

Rhea really didn't want that. If the principal saw a strange kid hanging around her school, and found out he was there for her, she would really be in trouble.

"We could meet us somewhere after school."

"Like where?" She asked.

She had no idea if any of this was even possible. It was not something she even considered.

"The park?" He asked.

"Too many people might see us," she said.

"Right. How about if I bring Liza with me?"

"Still, what am I doing at the park after school? I don't ever go to the park."

"True. The library?"

"That could work. I go there a lot for research. Mostly on Friday."

"Okay, well the library it is then," he declared.

"You should still bring Liza," she told him.

She wanted to be safe, just in case someone saw her with him. She was planning on saying it was Liza's friend.

"Sure. So how about this Friday?"

"This Friday?"

She felt a mounting fear start up inside her stomach. She didn't think it was going to be this soon. She suddenly felt very unprepared.

"Okay," she agreed anyway.

"Okay great! So this Friday, at the library, I can't wait."

She could hear the excitement in his voice. She felt thrilled that all his emotions were because of her. She didn't think she could cause any guy to feel this way. This whole relationship thing was like magic.

It was a Tuesday night when they formulated their plan to meet. The rest of the week passed in a blur for Rhea. She spent all her time obsessing about their arrangement. Would anyone see her? What if her mom found out she was meeting a boy? How would her mom even find out? She was feeling a lot of tension over the whole thing. She thought of chickening out and calling it off several times. But there was a huge part of her that did want to see him, that did want to meet with him and talk face to face.

When Friday rolled around she felt a severe case of nerves as she dressed for school. She wanted to look her best, but wondered if her look would hold up all day until school was over. She decided against doing anything different with her hair. She styled it her regular way, which was just a simple braid down her back.

All day in school whenever she recalled that they would meet, her heart did mini somersaults and her gut clenched itself in a nauseating way. She found herself breathing deeply several times just to calm down.

When three P.M came and the bell rang to dismiss school, Rea gathered her stuff and quickly left. She didn't tell any of her other friends where she was going. She didn't want any of them to be there with her when she met him.

The library was located several blocks away from her school. Rhea walked there diligently, with her head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone. She speed walked and arrived there in five minutes. It was normally at fifteen minute walk.

She walked into the entrance and she didn't know what to do with herself. Should she wait for him outside? Or should she go inside? The sun was blazing hot, and the coolness of the air conditioning inside was very tempting. She decided to wait outside.

Her eyes were scanning the entrance repeatedly for anyone that looked like him. The hands of her watch pointed at three thirty and she started to wonder if he had stood her up.

Did they ever confirm the time when they were supposed to meet? She couldn't remember. Her brain was running through a few possibilities why he could be late.

Just when it seemed that he was not going to show, she saw Liza walking through the entrance. Next to Liza there was an incredibly cute boy, smiling widely, with amazing hair that moved beautifully in the wind. Adam. He was here. He hadn't forgotten about her. She felt her heart fill with joy and relief.

Hello beautiful readers,

Here's another chapter in the story of Rhea and Adam. Please read, comment and vote. I always like to know your thoughts. Thank you for supporting me, for supporting the story, for believing in my characters, and for taking the time out of your special lives to share your opinion.

Xoxo -R.M ❤️

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