4. Coincidence

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Rhea laid in bed contemplating how strange life was

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Rhea laid in bed contemplating how strange life was. It was Friday night and she couldn't sleep. She already tried everything she knew, warm milk, counting sheep, listening to music. Nothing worked. She couldn't turn off her mind.

She kept tossing and turning trying to find a good position. With a great sigh she punched the pillow in an effort to get more comfortable. She'd had a busy week at school and was really looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. She was planning to sleep in, but it was three a.m and she still didn't feel sleep approaching.

The problem was that she couldn't stop thinking of Adam. Her brain kept circling back to him. He never called her back. She waited all week, expecting it to be him every time the phone rang. But it never was.

What a disappointment!

When they spoke over the phone he sounded just as eager as she was and she was glad that he promised to call again. But he never did and she was upset and mad at the same time.

It was exactly one week ago that she met him. She recalled how she'd gone to bed feeling ecstatic that night, with happy thoughts of him circulating in her brain. The first boy she felt this crazy about who might just like her back! She was filled with excitement with what was to come next. She just couldn't wait to know more about him.

Now she was feeling dejected and like a huge idiot. She should have known that he wouldn't call back. Guys like him just didn't go for girls like her. It was so dumb for her to get her hopes up in the first place. She knew better. What a waste of her brain cells, she thought.

And to make things worst she couldn't talk to Liza about how she was feeling, because she didn't admit she liked him. And thank god she didn't, because he'd clearly forgotten about her. He's probably moved on to the next girl already. Some cheerleader type girl, who was all bubbly and fun, the exact opposite of her.

Liza didn't mention anything about him all week either. She kept waiting for Liza to say something, anything, but she didn't. And though Rhea was dying for any bit of information about him, she didn't ask. She needed to forget him and do it quickly so her mind can be normal again. Obsessing over a boy was not the norm for her.

With another sigh, she turned on her bedside light. Might as well read until I fall asleep, she thought as she turned the cover of Wuthering Heights. This was one of her favorite books. She wished that in her life she could experience love that was this deep.

Saturday morning arrived before she knew it. She felt like she'd just gone to sleep. She fumbled around on the bed in an attempt to disentangle herself from the blanket. As she was finally free, her mom entered with a cheery smile.

"Time to wake up, we've got lots to do today."

Huh? Did they have plans? Rhea tried to remember, but her brain felt foggy.

Oh no, she groaned. Her head was pounding. She felt groggy and really wanted to go back to sleep. She was not up for any activity that required leaving this bed.

"Mommm," she wined. "Does it have to be today?"

"Yes, did you forget that we are visiting my aunt?" Her mother raised one eyebrow in question.

"But I'm so tired," she said while stifling a big yawn that was trying to escape. She couldn't get her eyes to open. They kept wanting to remain closed.

"Sweetie she's only in town for two more days and I promised her we will drop by."

At the blank stare on Rhea's face her mother continued in a slightly more convincing tone, "she really wants to see you. You know you're her favorite."

"Ugh Mom, why do you have to play the guilt card. It's way too early for this."

She got out of bed clumsily and headed to the bathroom. She did love her great Aunt Deidra and couldn't disappoint her. As much as she wanted to stay home, she made the effort to make herself presentable.

Two hours and one extremely long car ride later they arrived at 820 Station Place where Aunt Deidra was staying. The house was painted white with blue window shutters and surrounded by a squat wrought-iron fence. It was a quiet neighborhood. Very nice, she thought.

The design of the house was old for a street like this one, but she liked it. Most of the other houses were too modern for her taste. They all looked too square and box-like.

She exited the car and shook her hair out. Sometimes she thought it was too long, but it was one of her best features; she would never cut it short. As she adjusted her blouse, blue with bell sleeves, she glanced across the street and saw two guys on a ladder hard at work painting.

One guy was wearing a pink shirt. Wow! she thought, it sure takes a real man to wear pink and she admired the way he was gracefully swiping the paintbrush back and forth. He had such nice hair and she watched as the wind blew it about gently.

At that moment pink shirt turned and looked directly at her. Her heart skipped several beats and she had to gasp for air. No way! It couldn't be!

Pink shirt was Adam!!!

She tried to remember if Liza ever mentioned where he lived. What a coincidence! He smiled widely as he recognized her and did a small wave while still holding the paintbrush.

She was stunned, she couldn't believe that it was really him. She thought that she and him might never cross paths again. Immediately her brain recalled the way it felt when she saw him for the first time. Dazed, she carefully returned his smile.

"Rhea, what are you looking at?" Her mom's voice made her jump.

"Nothing," she said quickly and she hurriedly turned to followed her mom to the door.

As they rang the doorbell she could feel his eyes boring into her back and knew that he was still staring at her. She wanted to turn around and look at him again, but her mom was acting like she knew Rhea was up to something. Instead Rhea settled for a small peek over her shoulder one last time, before the door was opened by her aunt and they went inside.

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