2. The Walk

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Thought it was technically the middle of winter, it was always summer in Tampa, Florida

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Thought it was technically the middle of winter, it was always summer in Tampa, Florida. Today was a cool sixty two degrees. Warm enough not to need a jacket. Rhea loved this weather. She hated wearing too much clothes. She hated wearing hats because they messed up her hair and she was more of a sandals type of girl.

Just like her, Liza had opted for black low rise jeans and a T-shirt, though her's was white and showed her midriff.

They were complete opposites. Sometimes Rhea wondered how they were even best friends. They'd met in kindergarten and were friends ever since. Rarely not one day goes by without them talking. When they started different schools, it was hard at first not seeing each other every day.

Their personalities were totally different. Rhea was more calm and reserved. She wore glasses, had long hair, was shy and most times she had her nose in a book. She loved reading, it was all the fun she ever needed.

Liza on the other hand, was the life of the party. She was athletic and cool and fun. She did spontaneous things and everyone loved her. She was never afraid and she made friends easily.

As they turned the corner onto the second block, Rhea though this walk was starting to feel a bit awkward.

The boys were talking to each other, about god knows what and Rhea was talking to Liza. Occasionally, Liza would join in the boy's conversation. Rhea didn't feel she knew them enough to do the same, so she was mostly quiet.

"So how do you know him? Adam?" She asked Liza.

"He's in one of my classes, didn't I tell you?"

Rhea and Liza had the same friends up until they started going to separate schools. They were always in the same classes up until middle school. At that point, Rhea's mother preferred that she go to a different high school. Apparently it ranked better and was the best choice for her future education.

"You might've forgotten to mention that." Rhea said sarcastically. "I thought you were dying of boredom and needed some company. Little did I know that you were bringing company."

"Oh my God! Would you please stop?" Liza begged. "Just be normal, it isn't a big deal."

I looked at her skeptically.

"Listen" she said convincingly, "Ian lives in the house right behind mine. We always talk over the fence."

"Aha, go on" I prompted.

"Then today, Adam from school shows up at his house. I didn't even know they knew each other! They go to the same church or something."

"Anyway," she continued, "they asked if we could hang out. And having nothing else to do I said yes."

"I still don't see how all that adds up to you bringing them to my house. You know my mom."

"Yes, but she's fine. She let you come, so that's good."

I sighed in defeat. I had no case here. When Liza was determined there was no changing her mind.

"Happy New Years!" She suddenly exclaimed to change the subject.

I laughed. "The same to you. Do you have any resolutions this year?" I asked.

"The same old story, be good, do better in school, blah blah. You?"

"I don't know," I told her. "Haven't thought of it that much."

At that moment our small group turned onto another street, and somehow our pairs got mixed up. I found myself walking next to Adam and Liza was next to Ian.

Huh, I thought. Was this intentional or just a coincidence? Either way I was having conflicted emotions about this new arrangement.

A part of me was glad that I was beside Adam and another part of me was terrified. I've never been this close to a boy I thought was cute before. At least not one who made me forget how to breathe.

I didn't know how to start talking. Luckily he was talking. He was asking me which school I went to.

Taking a deep breath I responded "Roseville High."

And then my mind went completely blank and I forgot everything. I didn't know what to say next. Wracking my brain I quickly remembered that Liza and him went to the same school. So that was what I blurted, "You and Liza go to the same school, correct?"

"Yes" he confirmed. "Royce Irwin High." After a minute he asked "how long have you known Liza?"

"Oh, since kindergarten. We met and the rest was history." I said with a laugh.

"We were always in the same school" I added.

"You must miss her now," he stated and I could feel him looking at me again.

Looking down at my toes while I walked, so as not to make eye contact with him, I said, "Yeah it's strange not seeing her at school, but sometimes we meet up after. Plus we talk on the phone all the time."

Gosh he really was cute! I loved the way he talked. His voice had a certain smoothness to it. Like I could listen to him talk all day long. It was calming and something about it was familiar to me. Like I'd heard it before.

That was complete nonsense since this is the first time I'm meeting him ever. What the hell was happening to me? Boys didn't have this effect on me. I was smart!

He was talking again and I had to focus to hear what he was saying. I barely caught the ending of his sentence.

"...she's a great person to know."

"Yes," I agreed. I assumed we were still talking about Liza.

By this time we'd already walked about ten blocks and everyone sounded tired. It was getting kinda hot.

"Shall we turn around now and walk Rhea back home?" Liza asked.

"Ok," Ian said.

"Sure," Adam gave a tiny nod.

"Yeah, it'll be dark soon. Promised mom I'll be home by then," I declared.

We all turned around and headed back in the direction we came from. This time the pairing didn't shuffle and I was still walking beside Adam.

The journey back was even more quiet. Both Adam and I had run out of things to say and were both walking silently. However, Ian and Liza were still chatting all the way back.

As we arrived back in front of my house, the sun was setting and twilight was upon us. I turned to face Adam. This would be the first time I was looking up directly at him. He was so tall I had to tilt my head a bit.

I smiled and said "well, it was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too," he replied with a grin.

"Bye" I told everyone.

"Bye, I'll call you when I get home," Liza said.

"Ok," I said while turning and heading inside.

As I closed the front door I saw that Adam was still grinning in my direction.

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