5. Thinking of Him

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The sky was overcast and it looked like it was about to rain

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The sky was overcast and it looked like it was about to rain. Dark purple clouds were gathering in the sky overhead. The temperature had dropped a bit and she put on a black cardigan.

Rhea was quiet on the entire ride back. She was looking out the window and thinking about Adam. When he smiled at her it was like no one else existed in the whole world, just him and her. Everything else was erased and her sole focus was him.

How strange life was, she thought. Just as she made up her mind to forget him, he pops up again, like it was a sign. She had a whole plan to move forward and get over him. Her tactic was to double down on school work and extra curricular activities so that she wouldn't have any spare time to day dream about him.

But alas, here he was! She couldn't get him out of her head. She also couldn't shake the warm feeling she got whenever she remembered how he smiled at her. He was just so cute and her heart went crazy when he was close. She really liked him. She sighed internally and drew small hearts in the condensation of the car window. She watched as they disappeared slowly, revealing the passing tress outside.

She didn't want to disappoint her mother by getting a boyfriend. It was just something that Rhea couldn't do. Her mother held her at very high standards and expected her to graduate high school first before having any romantic relationships. Rhea respected her mother and never did anything that she wouldn't agree to. She was a good girl. She wanted to always be a good girl.

However, for the first time she found herself wishing that she had the nerve to speak up and follow something that she believed in. For the first time Rhea wanted something that she knew her mother wouldn't approve of; Adam. She wanted to know him, to find out if he was really as perfect as she thought he was. She wanted him to know her, to tell her if he felt the same way. She wished they could go out, but doubted it would ever happen. What would she tell her mom? It would certainly have to be a lie.

That really bothered her. She didn't know this side of her personality, this new person who wanted to break the rules. It scared her because she didn't know what she was capable of. Could she go against her mother's wishes? Did she have the guts to do something like that? She wished! There was one thing that she knew for sure and it was that she wasn't brave, she took the cowardly path most times. She always avoided conflict whenever she had the chance. She was not dramatic in the least and hid her feelings very well.

Although there were times she wished she could be like everyone else, she never attempted it. She wished she could be carefree like Liza and do crazy things, just let loose and be a normal teenager. But her mother wouldn't see her in the same light if she suddenly started going to parties and hanging out with boys.

Her mother cleared her throat, "care to tell me why you're so quiet?"

She jumped slightly but quickly regained her composure. Sometimes it was like her mother could read her mind. How did she do that? It was both amazing and annoying at the same time. 

"I'm just thinking about school and what clubs I'll join this year."

She lied. She immediately felt bad about it and thought that her mother would know she'd lied.

Her mother seemed unaware of the lie because she asked casually, "What clubs interest you?"

Rhea didn't know how to answer since she wasn't thinking of school in the first place. She blurted the first club that came to mind.

"Maybe photography? Or even the school paper."

"That would be great if you joined the paper! You know I was on the school paper in my day."

Her mother smiled widely in reminiscence.

Yes, Rhea knew all about her mother's glory days. While Rhea was bookish and reserved, her mother was popular in high school. She was head cheerleader, on the school paper, on prom committee and a part of a whole bunch of other activities that Rhea couldn't see herself ever doing. Her mom was the poster child for pep and being in high spirits. Even now she was always cheerful and could strike up a conversation with anyone in any place.

"I'm just thinking about it mom, I don't know for sure yet if I'll do it. I'll need to be more involved in school activities if I want the good colleges to consider me."

That part was true. Rhea only wanted to go to one college, NYU, New York University. It was her dream school located in her dream city. She loved everything about New York and couldn't wait for the day when she got to visit. The dazzling lights and lifestyle excited her.

She had set her sights on NYU ever since she was a little girl and saw Home Alone 2, where Kevin gets left alone in New York at Christmas. It looked like such an adventure in her little mind and she started dreaming of that city ever since. She always intended to move there as soon as she became an adult and could survive on her own. Over the years she came to understand that going to college there would jumpstart that dream of hers.

Of course she needed to apply to several colleges. She will probably apply to Columbia University and Princeton, since it was in New Jersey and that wasn't that far from New York. Most likely her mom would make her list a college close to home, but she had no intention of going to school in Florida.

She wondered if Adam was also thinking of colleges. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they ended up in New York together? She would be away from her mom and wouldn't feel so bounded by her rules. She would be free to do whatever she pleased. Not that she would go crazy, remember she wasn't brave. But she could already see herself sitting somewhere warm and cozy, bundled in a sweater and scarf, enjoying coffee with Adam and engaging in some kind of stimulating conversation.

She smiled inwardly at that image and sighed wishfully at the possibility that it could be the reality, one day in the distant future.


Sorry I've been sort of M.I.A. Hope this chapter was fun. Please leave comments.


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