...Bonus: Cuddles...

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It's been about 3 months since me and Tsukki started dating. We've done a lot together. I even got him to practice volleyball with me.
Yamaguchi practiced with us sometimes too.

Today he was gonna come over, he told me he was having a bad day so I thought I could cheer him up. I even got strawberry cake for him.
Honestly I was kinda worried for some odd reason, and I think it's because of my mom. I mean, she's met him before and even told me that she likes him...but for some reason I think Tsukki feels awkward around her. It's understandable why, but still. She even told him "Oh take care of my daughter" and all that other stuff. Hmm whatever I guess I'm overthinking it a little to much.
I sat at my desk thinking about Tsukki, barely realizing I was trying to finish my homework before he comes.
I answered the questions on my homework, later checking my phone to find a text from Tsukki.
Tsukki: I'm almost there
Y/N: Perfect I just finished my homework 😌
Tsukki: You were still doing your homework..it's like 6 o'clock
Y/N: Hey I was procrastinating
Y/N: Don't judge me 😤
Tsukki: Ok Ok fine.
Tsukki: I'm here by the way

I rushed to the door to open it, and found a tall dino boi standing outside. He looked at me with a small smile on his face.

Mom: Oh hey Tsukki
Tsukki: Hi

Tsukki waved to her.
Untill I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room.
Tsukki: Jesus shorty where'd you get all that strength from.
Y/N: What I got abs loser!
Tsukki: Ya sure.
He put his hand on my head and looked me in the eye, then got closer to my face.

Tsukki: Now is there a reason why you wanted me alone in your room so badly?
He smirked.

Y/N: I-
I looked him in the eye, and gave him a little kiss.

Y/N: What do you think.
Tsukki: I think you wanted-
Y/N: To get some alone time with you and maybe cuddle.
Tsukki: Wasn't the answer I thought but I mean sure.
He took his hand off my head and looked scanned my room. Until I tapped him on the shoulder so he can look at me. I grabbed his shirt collar so he was at my level.

Y/N: Another time baka.. but not now while my mom is home. Got it dino boi.


Doing this action made him slightly blush. Trying to cover his blush I stood back and smirked.
Tsukki: So cuddles you said. Oh and is that strawberry shortcake?
Y/N: Ya now you act like the innocent one.
Tsukki:  Listen shortcake are we gonna cuddle or do other things cause I'm ok with both.

Tsukki hovered himself over me and whispered in my ear.
After like 20 minutes of of talking and flirting we finally cuddled together.
Tsukki: Hey you said you finished your homework?
Y/N: Ya why?
Tsukki: Which class was it from?
Y/N: Why do you wanna know, you big nerd.
I chuckled.
Y/N: No but for real, it was for 2nd period.
Tsukki: Oh....so can we eat the Strawberry Shortcake now?
Y/N: I mean if you want.
Tsukki: Do you want some?
Y/N: Ya.
Tsukki: To bad.
Y/N: The audacity. How dare you steal all the Strawberry cake that I bought- I mean made!
Tsukki: It's the fact that I don't believe that you made it.
Y/N: Because it's a lie?
Tsukki: That to...but because you almost burned down the kitchen for attempting to make brownies.
Y/N: Hey those brownies were just being difficult!
Tsukki: Ya ya ya now here.
Tsukki picked up some strawberry shortcake with the fork and put the fork up to my mouth attempting to feed it to me. I smiled and gladly took this offer.
The night went on as we finished the Strawberry Shortcake and cuddled. Tsukki even shared his earbuds with me. We listened to music until I fell asleep on his chest.
(Then I got up and threw pillows at him and he threatened me to a dance off, and we had a dance party and OBVIOUSLY I won. Ok I'm just kidding.)

Authors note-
Soo here's a little fluffy bonus story of Tsukki. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed thinking about doing a dance off with Tsukki 😌😌
Um um *Reads script i made* Oh uh tell me if I should start doing bonus stories, or message me/comment what character I should write about next.
*Reads script again*
*Whispers to self* "Is that it?"
Ok well uhh have a nice day/night whatever timezone!!
*Whispers to self again* Ugh I'm so awkward...

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