...Random Scenarios...

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This is just random scenarios or things I thought of and I just had to share..

Scenario 1:

I was over at Tsukki's house and we were just arguing about god knows what. His mom wasn't gonna be home for a while, but his brother was home.

Tsukki: You're such a dumbass.
Y/N: I'm the dumbass?!
Tsukki: Ya you're the one-

We heard a knock on the door. Who entered was Tsukki's brother.

Y/N: Oh its the better brother.

I mocked.

Akiteru: Um thanks...but can you guys quiet down a bit...ima have some friends by in a little and I don't think they wanna here you're bickering.
Tsukki: Sure I guess.
Akiteru: Thanks.

He smiled as he closed the door behind him. I looked at Tsukki, which he looked back at me.

Tsukki: So better brother huh?!
Y/N: Am I wrong?
Tsukki: I-

He rolled his eyes.

Y/N: Exactly. Anyways where were we.
Tsukki: Oh ya. You're the one-
Y/N: Hey wait a minute. Shut up for a second.
Tsukki: What?

He looked at me confused.

Y/N: What were we arguing about again.

He was about to speak, then he stopped and thought for a second.

Tsukki: I don't remember.

He looked at me with a confused face.

Scenario 2:

Y/N: Tsukkiii!
Tsukki: What?

I brought a box over to him and he looked at me with a "What the hell" type of face.

Y/N: Just open it.

I smiled.

Tsukki: Fine.

He took the box from me and started opening it. Finally opening the box he looked inside and his eyes twinkled, as he gasped.

Tsukki: A limited edition Brontosaurus plushie?!

He acted like a child as he looked at the plushie. He then cleared his throat.

Tsukki: Ahem..I mean..cool. Look at this.
Y/N: You don't like it? Ok lemme have it.
Tsukki: No these are out of stock!

I chuckled as he slightly blushed.

Scenario 3:

We were entering the gym for Volleyball practice, until Tanaka walked over to us and looked up at Tsukki, with serious eyes...a scary sight to see.

Tsukki: Um...do you need something?

Tanaka cleared his throat before speaking.

Tanaka: I just have one question for you, Tsukishima.
Y/N: Oooo is this a love confession.

I chuckled.

Tanaka: No. It isn't.
Tsukki: Well what is your question then.

Tanaka made perfect eye contact with Tsukki.

Tanaka: How were you able to score Y/N!? Like Y/N is like a 10..and she's with you. Yet Kyioko doesn't even look at me?!

Hell ya I'm a 10.
Tsukki looked at Tanaka with confusion, then smirked.

Tsukki: Maybe because I have some human decency.

He smiled, about to walk away, until Nishinoya came up to us.

Nishinoya: Come on, tell us the secret.

He jumped.

Tsukki: Are you guys jealous that I have a girlfriend?

He laughed.

Nishinoya: Yes ok!
Tanaka: Dude Y/N is beautiful. How did you score her?! I don't get it.
Tsukki: Doesn't matter.

He took my hand and started leading me to the Volleyball Court.

Nishinoya: Oh come on Love Birds...or Love Crows...?
Kyioko: Can you guys leave Y/N and Tsukki alone.
Daichi: Ya and come on lets get ready for practice.

Nishinoya and Tanaka's eyes twinkled.

Tanaka & Nishinoya: She talked to us!

They started getting ready for practice as I looked at Tsukki.

Y/N: Those guys are weird.
Tsukki: Yup.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek before going off and getting ready for practice.

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