...Feeling are interesting...

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*Tsukki's Pov*

    I watched as (Y/N) practice serving, she was really good at it. It even made Yamaguchi fanboy a bit. It was cute how (Y/N) was really shy about it when someone complimented her serves, or complimenting anything about her.

    I practice my blocks but somehow I couldn't get my mind off of (Y/N). I began judging myself if I have feelings for her. I doubt it though, I barely know her. I'm over thinking it, I have to focus, or else I'll get yelled at by Diachi.

     I quickly glanced at (Y/N) and saw that Nishinoya was talking to her again. I couldn't tell what they were talking about though. Nishinoya left and I saw (Y/N) go the bleachers. Should I go check on her, maybe I should.


    I turned quickly seeing a volleyball coming toward me and as quickly as possible moved out of the way, almost falling back.
The ball went flying past me. Then I heard someone yell in pain.
It was Hinata who got hit in the balls...again. it looked like it hurt even I whence a little knowing the pain.

Yamaguchi came towards me, feeling bad about hitting Hinata. I shouldn't worry about it, it's pretty normal for him.

Everyone ran up to Hinata and gathered around him, even (Y/N) got up. After everything settled down Yamaguchi said...

Yamaguchi: "Hey Tsukki are you ok,it's? You seem distracted"
Tsukki: "Oh ya I'm fine"
Yamaguchi: "Are you sure, you can tell me anything"

I glanced at (Y/N) and looked back at Yamaguchi.

Tsukki: "Ya I said I'm fine"
Yamaguchi: "You just looked at (Y/N) is there something going on with you and her."

He kinda whispered.

Tsukki: "Alright fine maybe their is, but I'll tell you later cause I don't want anyone hearing"
Yamaguchi: "Alright then, just tell me whenever"

I nodded and I went back to blocking and he went back to serving.

Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now