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Ok so I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm so so sorry

My update schedule is still gonna be messed up because I've got so much school work going on and I've got at lease 4 mocks each week but I'm gonna try and update more

I'm writing the new chapter rn and I'm gonna try and get it out today or maybe tomorrow

But quickly I just want to ask, when it comes to what to write after this book I could either write the book that takes place after this one or I could go back to age of ultron and start juliets backstory and work forwards from there and I wanted to know which you guys would rather me write first.

The one after this is going to take place in the falcon and the winter soil see which I think will be really fun to write or whatever but going back will give more background information so idk

So if you can could you please comment and tell me which you would prefer just so that I can decide what I wanna do with that please.

I'm gonna go write the new chapter now
Again sorry for the wait, my motivation has been 📈📉📈📉
Bye :))

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