Chapter 2

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After that little 'accident', we set off with our bikes.

We are now gonna go and distribute this things among poor kids and families. We are rich so we don't need this all.

After that, we are gonna relax and have fun with each other.

Lately, we have been killing and robbing so much that I think we all deserve a break.

I laid my head on Hoseok's back as I sat on his bike,behind him.

"Everything alright, hun? You see to be thinking about something"

He said, as I nuzzled my face further in his shirt, taking in his cologne's scent.

"I want a little girl, Hobi. I want to take care of her, make her food, teach her how to cook, spoil her with gifts, etc."

I said sincerely, as he smiled a bit which I could see from the mirror of his bike.

" are right, Jin. I also want someone who will sleep peacefully in my arms while I stroke her hair. Or teach her how to dance, or even do a couple dance with her. It will be nice to have someone who will love us and call us 'Daddy'."

Hoseok said, increasing his speed to meet up with the guys.

I wrapped my hands around his back tightly, and placed butterfly kisses on his neck, making him giggle.

It was not long before we reached the slum area and we got off our bikes.

"Kids! Come out, see what we have bought for you all."

Jimin yelled, and soon we were surrounded by little boys and girls, giggling and laughing.

"Oppa, can I have that?"

A little girl asked me, pointing at the packet of gummy bears.

"Of course, here you go."

I said, handing her the packet which she took with a wide smile.

"Thank you, Oppa."

She said and kissed me on my cheek and ran away, blushing. I chuckled at her cuteness.

After all of the things given, we bid them farewell and decided to go on waterpark.

(Time skip to late night)

[Y/N's pov]


My father yelled as he kicked me on my stomach, while my mother pulled my hair.

I couldn't say anything, because I was not allowed to make a sound.


She yelled as I stood up and bowed weakly, and then ran away to the storage room which is my room.

I sleep on the floor because I don't have a bed, but you don't expect a bed from a dark and dingy room filled with insects and rodents.

Hello, my name is Lee Y/N, and I am 16 years old. You must be wondering why my parents behave with me like this.

Well, its because I was an accident, none of my parents wanted to have me because they were very young when they had me. Mother wanted to abort me but my grandparents didn't allow that.

I grew up in my grandparents home till I was 14 years old, and I was a happy child.

But, when they died, I was given to my parents.

As expected, they hated me and abused me every day. I was forced to work and cook for them. I was also stopped from going to school, but I know how to read and write.

They beat me up everday, and my body is very bruised. If I show you my back, you will be horrified to see red whip marks on my bare skin.

What's more, my own father tried to rape me many times, but I ran away.

Eversince I stepped into this house, or hell hole for me, I was forbidden to speak.

The food I get is all leftovers or rotten ones, which led to some serious food poisoinings many times but I managed to recover somehow.

I looked at my hands and they were bleeding profusely, as well as my arms due to the bottle of wine slammed on my poor back by mother.

Its nearly 10:00 pm and I am still not sleepy, maybe that's because of my scars.

The only thing which I have is my journal and a violet pen, given to me by my grandma.

I write letters to my grandparents by it, and I know that its childish for me to believe it, but it gives me satisfaction

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I write letters to my grandparents by it, and I know that its childish for me to believe it, but it gives me satisfaction.

And now, I think I have made my decision.

I am gonna escape tonight.

I think its better to beg on the streets than getting abused everyday.

I peeked out of my door, and saw that the corridor was in darkness.

That's good. I took my journal and my pen in my bloody hands and slowly walked out of the store room, fortunately I was bare footed, making the floor squeak less.

I finally got to the front door without any trouble, thanks to my parents sleeping heavily because both are drunk.

Giving a last glance at the house, I bolted out of my hell hole. Finally I am free.

I ran and ran for some miles, and then sat down near a trash bin due to exhaustion.

I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest, my face burried as tears flowed out of my eyes.

(Suga's pov)

I stared out of window as the other guys laughed. Today we had a great day at the waterpark, and then going on to the bank mission. We killed nearly 300 persons and it had given me enough satisfaction for today.

However, it would have been better if a little girl would be in my arms, and I would play the piano to her, even teach her how to play it. Maybe play with her too.

"Hmm...what are you thinking, love?"

Jin asked, as I leaned in to kiss him.

"Just about a little baby in our arms, dear. Our house seems empty without any child's laughter."

"You are right, honey."

Jin replied, leaning on my shoulder.

Suddenly Namjoon slammed on the breaks hard.

"What happened? Are you ok, hun?"

Hoseok exclaimed, leaning forward.

"Look there..."

Namjoon pointed to a little girl, sitting beside trashbin.

"Oh my, its a girl!" Jungkook said, eagerly staring at her.

"She is shivering..." Tae said, as we looked at how she bounced her shoulders a little.

"Looks like our wish came true."

Jimin said, smiling at us.

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