🔞Chapter 27 (sensual)

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Happy 1

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Happy 1.51k reads special....long smut for y'all.

Rip out your brain and throw it in the hobi watahs after reading this shit.

And don't forget to recite Namjesus, Jeon Junggod, Taeangel, Jinsus, and Min Yoongicheonjaejjangjjangmengpoongpoong.

Enjoy, bitches 😈😈


(Y/N pov)

I fucked up.


"Hi baby~~"

The deep voice of the beautiful heart shaped smile man echoed in my ears, sending shivering down my spine.

I blushed and hid myself in the blanket, covering my body whole.

My core was throbbing, I need them really now.

The blanket was suddenly yanked away from my naked body, and I yelped instinctively.


"I love the breath-taking view..."

Hoseok sighed, his eyes scanning by bare torso.

I tried to cover my breasts, but Jin was already holding my hands.

"Don't hide your wonderful body, baby....Daddy loves to see you naked."

Jin said, softly nipping on my earlobe, making me moan.

Meanwhile Hoseok had enough patience, he pulled down my shorts, leaving me only in my panties under them.

"N-no fair..."

I managed to squeak out, as they looked at me with fond smiles.

"What is not fair, sweetie?"

Hoseok asked.

"I-I am almost naked, while you are fully clothed.."

"Ohhh...so our baby wants her Daddies to get naked for her...hmmm?"

Jin teased me, kissing my lips.

"Well...our princess's wish is our command. Let's strip, hun."

Hoseok said and they both began stripping, very slowly.

I almost wanted to rip those fucking clothes off them, but kept myself under control.

They both had beautiful, sculpted body. Their soft skin glowed, and all I wanted to do was run my fingers on them.

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