Chapter 1 - Helping Hand

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Adrian PoV

*wakes up* Gods, that hurts a lot. It's less than Moon Lord's Deathray. Well... I just saw the white wolf girl whom I met beside me.

???: You okay?

Adrian: I'm okay. Thanks. *tries to stand up*

???: *makes me lie down* No. You shouldn't move. You're badly injured and hurt. I'm Momiji Inubashiri. Sorry for not introducing you.

Adrian: It's okay. I'm too used to get chased by some enemies and-

Momiji: What? How?

Adrian: You see...

My flashbacks... (Just sentences or paragraphs...)

I was chased by a horde of zombies and demon eyes during a blood moon.

I was mining for the chlorophyte, my favorite ore, but I destroyed the Plantera's bulb.

Stepping the traps and then I died a lot because of MORE TERRARIA PAIN.

End of flashbacks...

Adrian: And there. I'm the great knight... Well... Don't mind my pumpkin mask.

Momiji: Okay. Good night. *walks away*

Adrian: Good night, Momi. *sleeps*

???: *takes a pic on me and she flies* Heh. Must keep my reputation high. I must make this kind of article on Bunbunmaru Newspaper. Another outsider with a black armor and his pets. *somehow lands on a ground and goes to the Tengu Village* Time to make some newspapers.

3am in the Morning... Adrian PoV

What the hell am I doing? Wait, is that the princess Kaguya from the stories that my father used to read? How did she even... Well, nevermind.

Adrian: *runs and somehow manages to fly* Hmmm... I wonder where I'm going... Oh wait... *sees the map on my phone and I followed the already discovered area* Well... I- HUH?! Skeletron Prime?! Impossible! How did that skeletal metal trashbag came here?!! Oh well... Gotta go fast! *runs like Sonic*


Momiji: *slices the Prime Saw* NOW!

Aya and Reimu: *shoots some magical bullets to Skeletron Prime's Prime Canon and it explodes*

As I came, I see those three girls fighting the Skeletron Prime. Woah. This is normal. We have magic in Terraria, right? Well... If I say so.... INITIATE TARGET LOCKING SEQUENCE.

Adrian: Hey you, metal bonehead!

Skeletron Prime: *looks at me*

Aya and Momiji: Look out!

Reimu: Is that the outsider you talking about? He really is that guy who had a black armor, and his pets are wierd looking.

Aya: Yeah, and-

Momiji: Oh no. He's about to die.

Adrian: *flies and summons the UFO mount* HEY, METAL SKELE-HYPOCRITE! Pick somebody on ypur own size! *proceeds to use my Zenith but Skeletron Prime slaps me with his Prime Vice*

Momiji, Aya, and Reimu: *worried and they're about to help and they really shoot bullets to that skull for the attention*

Adrian: *bleeding* Is that all you got?! Show me whatcha got, SKELETRON BROOM!

Skeletron Prime: *is angry and realises it's 4:30 AM and proceeds to spin and chases me*

Adrian: Oh no no no no no no! FARJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *runs away from that metallic maniac while throwing Daybreak to its skull*

Aya: Hmmm... *takes a pic and she flies away* BETTER HELP HIM!

Momiji: *is about to kill the Skeletron Prime, but...*

Suddenly, something hits the Skeletron Prime. Skeletron Prime explodes and its explosion gave me a lot of knockbacks which sends me flying and faceplants on a ground.

Adrian: Ow!

Momiji: Are you okay!? *pokes me*

Adrian: I'm okay... Dang, that Skeletron Prime is really hard to fight. Well... Thanks.

Momiji: It was Sanae who destroyed that thing.

Adrian: Oh...

Reimu: Is he okay?

Adrian: I'm okay!

Sanae: Hmmmmm... *sees the picture of me on a newspaper and then she sees me*... An outsider with peculiar and- OOH! IS THAT A ROBOT WORM?!

Adrian: Yes, but I dyed its probes and its body. Ouch... I should've learn science but I'm not the kind of an idiot. *stands up* Anyways, Momi. Who are these two?

Momiji: That red miko is Reimu Hakurei while the green miko is Sanae Kochiya.

Adrian: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Maybe I have to go now. I'm tired. *starts to build a house*

Reimu, Sanae, and Momiji: WOAH... HOW CAN HE BUILD THAT FAST?!!

Adrian: You see... In my universe, we Terrarians are fast builders.

Reimu: Oh.

Sanae: What's a Terrarian?

I explained everything about Terraria and the humans called Terrarians.

Sanae: Hmmmm... Your world has science too? Cool.

Adrian: Indeed. Also, I hate getting burned by a metallic eye... Don't mind my words.

Sanae: Gotta go now. Bye. *flies away*

Reimu: Well, I have to get back to work for my donations... *flies away*

Adrian: Thanks for the help, Momi, and your friends.

Momiji: Ehhhh... W-Welcome.

The Terrarian and The White Wolf (Terraria OC x Momiji Inubashiri)Where stories live. Discover now